
Master's thesis Information meeting

Are you planning to write your master's thesis in the autumn of 2025? Welcome to an information meeting where you will learn about rules and regulations, and get tips and advice for your work on the master’s thesis. A detailed programme will be published soon.

FAIR 13th BITSS Annual Meeting

The BITSS Annual Meeting brings together actors from academia, scholarly publishing, and policy to share novel research and discuss efforts to improve the credibility of social science by advancing research transparency, reproducibility, rigor, and ethics.

FAIR Seminar Samuel Norris

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Samuel Norris. Samuel is an Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia with research interests in education, crime, and labour economics. 

Velkommen til Åpen dag i Kristiansand

NHH inviterer alle interesserte til Åpen dag i Kristiansand. Møt flere av dagens studenter og hør om studiemulighetene ved NHH! Du vil også møte tidligere NHH-studenter, som forteller om jobbmulighetene etter endt utdanning. Vi serverer pizza!

FAIR Seminar Kareem Haggag

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Kareem Haggag. Haggag is an Assistant Professor at the UCLA Anderson School of Management and a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). His research spans topics at the intersections of economics, psychology, and political science.

FAIR Seminar Amanda E. Kowalski

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Amanda E. Kowalski. Amanda is a Professor at the University of Michigan. She is a health economist who specializes in bringing together experiments, models grounded in context-specific knowledge, and econometric techniques to answer questions that inform current debates in health policy.

FAIR Seminar Paolo Falco

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Paolo Falco. Paolo is an Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen. Dis research uses experiments to study human behaviour in different domains. Most of his work aims to understand how we can improve the functioning of labour markets and remove obstacles for the most disadvantaged workers.

FAIR Seminar Jean-Robert Tyran

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Jean-Robert Tyran. Jean-Robert is a Professor of Public Economics at the University of Vienna and the Director of the Vienna Center for Experimental Economics. In his research, he mainly investigates issues in Political Economy and Public Economics broadly speaking, and in particular how institutions like markets and democracy are shaped by bounded rationality and social preferences. 

FAIR Seminar Martin Nybom

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Martin Nybom. Martin is an Associate Professor (docent) at IFAU in Uppsala, a research fellow at IZA and the UCLS, Uppsala University, and associated researcher at SOFI, Stockholm University. His fields of interest are labor economics and applied micro, but especially topics such as inequality, intergenerational mobility, and the labor market effects of skills and education.

PhD Students' Winter School 2025

The winter school will take place in Gudbrandsgard Hotel, which is located in the heart of Kvitfjell Ski Resort, 45 minutes’ drive from Lillehammer.

FAIR Seminar Matthew Lowe

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Matthew Lowe. Matthew is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of British Columbia and a CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar for 2023-2025. He uses field and natural experiments to study topics in behavioral, development, and political economy.

FAIR Seminar Michela M. Tincani

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Michela Tincani. Michaela is a labour economist interested in human capital.  Topics she studies include college access, non-financial barriers to education, and peer effects. Her research combines experimental, quasi-experimental, and structural econometric methods to evaluate public policies and their optimal design.

FAIR Seminar Ragan Petrie

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Ragan Petrie. Ragan is a Professor in the Department of Economics at Texas A&M University. She's an applied microeconomist who uses behavioral and experimental approaches to study topics in public and labor economics, including motives for charitable giving, gender differences in bargaining and competition, discrimination, social media and the economic preferences of children.

Sandmo Lecture 2025: David Card

The Sandmo Lecture On Public Policy is an annual event in honour of Professor Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019). The 2025 guest lecturer is Professor David Card, University of California, Berkeley

FAIR Seminar César Mantilla

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with César Mantilla. César is an Associate Professor in the Economics Department at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. He uses experimental methods and behavioral modeling to economic decision-making, with an affinity to the fields of development, environmental, and health economics.

FAIR Seminar Chinhui Juhn

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Chinhui Juhn. Chinhui is a Henry Graham Professor at the University of Houston. Her research interest are labour economics, wage inequality and gender.

FAIR Seminar Ronak Jain

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Ronak Jain. Ronak is an Assistant Professor of Economics of Development and Child Welfare at the University of Zurich. Her work lies at the intersection of development and behavioral economics. Her research leverages field experimentation and observational data.

Welcome to Norio 2025

The 14th Nordic workshop on Industrial Organization - NORIO - will take place at NHH Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen.

FAIR Seminar Kelly Shue

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Kelly Shue. Kelly is an Amman Mineral Professor of Finance at Yale School of Mangement. Her research has explored sustainable investing, the Peter Principle, compensation and promotions, gender and negotiations, the gambler's fallacy, contrast effects, and non-proportional thinking in asset pricing.

Development Economics Thrive scientific conference 2025

Thrive, on behalf of Oxford Policy Management (OPM) and the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), is hosting an international interdisciplinary conference on the topic of scaling early childhood development (ECD) programmes and policies in low-and middle -income (LMIC) countries.

For all employees Town Hall meeting and Summer lunch

Welcome to this semester’s last Town Hall meeting for employees. We will have refreshments in Speilsalen from 12.00. The Town Hall meeting will be from 12.15-13.00 in Aud Max. Immediately after the meeting we invite everyone to a Summer lunch from 13.00-15.00.

Student for en dag: Åpen dag for VGS-elever

En økonomiutdannelse fra NHH er et godt utgangspunkt for å jobbe med nesten hva du vil! På Åpen dag for VG3 gir studenter og ansatte ved NHH gi deg et innblikk i hvordan hverdagen som NHH-student ser ut. Har du lyst til å høre mer om alle de spennende mulighetene som åpner seg underveis og etter studiene hos oss? Da vil vi se deg på Åpen dag!

Har du lyst til å studere ved NHH? Kom på Åpen dag lørdag 8. februar!

En økonomiutdannelse fra NHH er et godt utgangspunkt for å jobbe med nesten hva du vil! Denne lørdagen vil studenter og ansatte gi deg et innblikk i hvordan hverdagen som NHH-student ser ut. Har du lyst til å høre mer om alle de spennende mulighetene som åpner seg underveis og etter studiene hos oss? Da vil vi se deg på Åpen dag!

Martin Bech Holte til NHH Landet som ble for rikt

Forfatter av "Landet som ble for rikt", Martin Bech Holte, er gjesteforeleser på NHH onsdag 5. februar. Med seg har han Svein Harald Øygard, sentralbanksjef på Island i 2009, under finanskrisen. NHH-rektor Øystein Thøgersen er moderator. Arrangementet inngår i professor Gernot Doppelhofer og Jonnna Sofia K. Olssons makrokurs.

Norsklunsj Lærer du norsk?

Ansatte som lærer norsk (alle nivå) ønskes velkommen til en uformell prat i ansattkantinen onsdager kl.1200-1230. Dette er en flott mulighet til å snakke norsk sammen utenfor undervisningen, andre norskspråkelige som vil bidra er også velkommen.

Meet NHH in Stockholm

Looking to pursue a degree from a European business school that stands out? NHH Norwegian School of Economics is among the top-ranked business schools in Europe and the leading institution for business education in Norway. We offer programs designed to refine your skills, broaden your perspectives, and connect you with an extensive network of global opportunities.

Alumnipils i Oslo: Alt du trenger å vite om formuesskatten

Formuesskatten er gjenstand for mye diskusjon og ligger an til å bli en viktig sak i årets valgkamp. Også blant våre forskere er det ulike syn på hvor hensiktsmessig denne skatten er. Vi inviterer til en debatt om effekt og hensikt av formuesskatten og i hvilken grad denne skatten er gunstig for samfunnet.

Velkommen til Åpen dag i Oslo

NHH inviterer alle interesserte til Åpen dag i Oslo. Møt flere av dagens studenter og hør om studiemulighetene ved NHH! Du vil også møte tidligere NHH-studenter, som forteller om jobbmulighetene etter endt utdanning, og NHH-rektor, Øystein Thøgersen, vil holde foredrag. Vi serverer pizza!

Velkommen til Masterdag Oslo!

Vurderer du å studere på NHH? 21. januar inviterer NHH alle interesserte til masterdag i Oslo. Møt flere av dagens master-studenter og hør om studiemulighetene ved NHH! Du vil også møte tidligere studenter som forteller om jobbmulighetene etter endt utdanning, og rektor Øystein Thøgersen vil holde foredrag. Vel møtt!

Alumnipils i Bergen: Alt du trenger å vite om formuesskatten

Formuesskatten er gjenstand for mye diskusjon og ligger an til å bli en viktig sak i årets valgkamp. Også blant våre forskere er det ulike syn på hvor hensiktsmessig denne skatten er. Vi inviterer til en debatt om effekt og hensikt av formuesskatten og i hvilken grad denne skatten er gunstig for samfunnet.

FSK- information meeting Can you pitch in another language?

With NHH's tailor-made elective courses in foreign languages, you will become your employer's go-to person. Come to the information meeting to learn more about how NHH's elective courses in foreign languages provide you with the necessary tools to succeed in the global job market.Light refreshments will be served.

Velkomen til Informasjonsmøte om utveksling

Ynskjer du å dra på utveksling, men er usikker på kor du vil dra? Vil du høyra meir om vertslanda og alternativa før du søkjer? Kom på informasjonsmøta våre 13., 14. og 16. januar! Sjå lista under for detaljar om datoar og tider for informasjon om ulike verdsdelar og land.

Webinar PhD as a career choice

NHH is seeking highly motivated and talented individuals for our PhD programme. Prior to the application deadline 15 January 2025, we invite all students considering a PhD to join our webinar.

Informasjonsmøte: Valfag på bachelor

NHH inviterer førstesemester-studentar på BØA til å bli kjent med det varierte valgfagstilbodet på høgskulen. Institutta er på plass og svarar på spørsmål om sine valgfag. Programleiar for bachelorprogrammet orienterer om kva reglar som gjeld dersom ein skal på utveksling med meir.

Early-Career Workshop in Empirical Environmental Economics

The purpose of this workshop is to gather young economists working empirically in environmental economics. The two-day workshop provides a platform for early-career researchers to present their work, receive feedback, and foster networking and collaboration.

Utveksling våren 2025: Utreiseseminar

Skal du dra på utveksling våren 2025? Kom på utreiseseminaret vårt og høyr meir om kva du må gjera før du drar, og tips og triks til kva som kan gjera utvekslingssemesteret enklare. Du vil få sjansen til å stilla spørsmål dersom du lurar på noko.

FAIR Seminar Joël van der Weele

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Joël van der Weele. Joël is a Professor of Economic Psychology at the Center for Research in Experimental Economics and political Decision making (CREED) at the University of Amsterdam. His research is on diverse issues on the intersection between economics and psychology, using the tools of experimental economics and game theory.

Engage.EU Training: Leadership in Academia

Are you a postdoc, junior faculty member or advanced PhD researcher at an Engage.EU partner university, and prepared to sharpen your leadership skills for academia? Join this half-day online workshop which covers key skills of academic leadership.

FAIR Seminar Erik Plug

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Erik Plug. Erik is a Professor of Economics at the University of Amsterdam. His main research interests relate to family, education and labour economics.

Online workshop: Graphical Abstracts

NHH invite faculty to join our two-hour online workshop on creating effective graphical abstracts for your research ideas/manuscripts. The workshop is led by scientist and visual communicator Meike Latz.

FAIR Seminar Matthias Sutter

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Matthias Sutter. Matthias is the Director at the Max Planck Institute For Research On Collective Goods, Professor of Economics at Universität Innsbruck, and Professor of Economics at the University of Cologne. His research focuses on (i) the development of economic decision making in childhood and adolescence, (ii) the economics of credence goods, and (iii) how team decision making differs from individual decision making.

DIG Summit 2024 KI – fra optimisme til realisme

Hvordan skal vi skape og fange bærekraftig verdi fra KI og KI-drevne teknologier i Norge og Norden? På DIG Summit 2024 inviterer Forskningssenteret Digital Innovation for Sustainable Growth ledere og fageksperter til å dele sine erfaringer og diskutere utfordringer og muligheter.

Bergen Bounce Bærekraft i fotballen

Kan supportere sortere søppel? Hvordan blir stadioner sirkulære? Hvordan skal fotballjenter få de samme utviklingsmulighetene som gutter? Og ikke minst: Hva sier fotballpresident Lise Klaveness og Brann-sjef Christian Kalvenes om hvordan vi kan lykkes med bærekraft i fotballen? Velkommen til seminar i regi av NHH, SK Brann og House of Telle.

FAIR Seminar Amanda Dahlstrand

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Amanda Dahlstrand. Amanda is an Associate Professor at the University of Zürich's Economics Department. Her research is in the fields of labour, organizational and development economics, with a particular interest in health and technology that cuts across fields.

CEMS Webinar Do your Master's in the Nordics

Are you interested in obtaining a Master's degree from CEMS and studying at one of the top Nordic Business Schools? Would you like to get a better insight into the CEMS network and curriculum and receive more in-depth information about the specific Master programs and schools?

FAIR Seminar Patricio Dalton

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Patricio Dalton. Patricio is an Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, Tilburg University. His research lies in the intersection between poverty, psychology and decision-making using both formal models and experiments in the laboratory and the field.

The Thorolf Rafto Challenge 2024: Gry Larsen, Grieg Group

The Thorolf Rafto Challenge is an annual event hosted by NHH and the Rafto Foundation where business organizations are challenged to share information about human rights dilemmas they face in their value chains. This year's guest speaker is Gry Larsen, CEO of the Grieg Group.

FAIR Seminar Pedro Rey Biel

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Pedro Rey Biel. Pedro is an Associate Professor of Behavioral Economics at ESADE, Ramon Llull University Barcelona, Spain. His research combines theoretical and empirical methodologies, as well as laboratory and field experiments to understand economic decision-making and how it is affected by the design of proper incentive schemes which take into account the complex array of behavioural traits behind human motivation.

Wednesday Seminar: Jochen Hartmann

We invite you to a SOL Seminar with Jochen Hartmann, Professor of Digital Marketing, TUM School of Management. His research is located at the junction of digital marketing and machine learning, with a focus on unstructured data analytics (computer vision, natural language processing) and generative artificial intelligence (AI). Broadly, his substantive research interests include social media, multi-modal digital advertising, algorithmic fairness, diversity in advertising, and human-machine interactions.

FAIR Seminar Daphne Skandalis

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Daphné Skandalis. Daphné is an Assistant Professor at the University of Copenhagen. Her research is in labour economics and applied econometrics.

NHHS and NHH Alumni: Entrepreneurship and early stages of startups

Alumna of the year 2023, Madeleine Bjørnestad Røed, will talk about entrepreneurship and challenges in early stages and how they have implemented knowledge from social media to reach new customers. This event is a tradition as NHHS and NHH Alumni collaborate on an event presenting the NHH Alumn of the year to students and alumni.

Welcome to St. Jerome's day 2024

The Department of Professional and Intercultural Communication invites you to a guest lecture with associate professor Jean Nitzke from UiA and Ondřej Klabal from Palacký University Olomouc.

FAIR Seminar Zwetelina Iliewa

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Zwetelina Iliewa. Zwetelina is an Assistant Professor (tenure track) at the Department of Economics at the University of Bonn. Her research interests are in the fields of behavioural and experimental economics and behavioural finance.

For studenter Hvordan lære effektivt med studieteknikk

Visste du at en lang pause kan halvere tiden det tar å lære noe utenat? Eller at du kan øke læringsutbyttet fra en leseøkt med 30 % ved hjelp av et par enkle grep? Psykologer mener faktisk at så mye som 70 % av læringen skyldes studieteknikk og motivasjon. I dette foredraget deler forfatteren av boken «Superstudent», Olav Schewe, de viktigste teknikkene for å lære mer effektivt og oppnå bedre resultater.

FAIR Seminar Gonzalo Arrieta Zefferino

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Gonzalo Arrieta Zefferino. He is a Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Economics at the University of Zurich. His research focuses on Experimental and Behavioral Economics, studying procedural decision-making, responses to complexity, paternalism, and how people think about welfare.

DIG Corporate Workshop: Hvordan skape gull av sølvrevene?

I løpet av de neste årene vil 20% av den norske befolkningen være over 65 år og andelen vil være stigende fremover. Utfordringene med et aldrende samfunn er vel dokumentert. På denne workshopen vil vi diskutere hvordan næringslivet og offentlig sektor kan gripe mulighetene som ligger i et aldrende samfunn.

For studenter Hvordan lære raskere og bedre med AI

AI, eller kunstig intelligens, er et av de kraftigste verktøyene du har som student for å lære raskere og bedre. Jo bedre du er til å bruke dette verktøyet, jo mer får du ut av det. I dette kurset skal vi derfor ta et dypdykk i AI og ulike måter du kan bruke det på for å bli en bedre student.

FAIR Seminar Gordon Dahl

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Gordon Dahl. Gordon B. Dahl is a Professor of Economics at the University of California, San Diego. His articles have appeared in the American Economic Review, Econometrica, the Journal of the American Statistical Association, the Journal of Political Economy, the Review of Economic Studies, and the Quarterly Journal of Economics.

KD: 9.-12. september Karrieredagene

Bli med på Karrieredagene 9.-12. september på NHH, arrangert av Næringslivsutvalget! Møt potensielle arbeidsgivere og bygg nettverk med ledende selskaper. Dette er en unik mulighet for NHH-studenter til å knytte kontakter og utforske karrieremuligheter.

FAIR Seminar Kirby Nielsen

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Kirby Nielsen. Kirby is a Professor of Economics and William H. Hurt Scholar in Caltech's Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Her research interests are in experimental economics, decision theory, and microeconomic theory.

FAIR Seminar Johannes Spinnewijn

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Johannes Spinnewijn. Johannes is a Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics. His research focuses on various topics in public economics, including the design of social insurance and tax systems.

FAIR Online Seminar Ulrike Malmendier

We invite you to a FAIR Online Seminar with Ulrike Malmendier. Ulrike is a Cora Jane Flood Professor of Finance at the Haas School of Business, and a Professor of Economics at the University of California.

Welcome to PhD Day, including graduation

NHH hosts a PhD Day that includes onboarding of new PhD Research Scholars as well as a sustainability workshop to showcase sustainability-related research by PhDs at NHH. The PhD Day ends with a graduation ceremony to celebrate PhD graduates who defended their degree between January 2024 and June 2024.

For all NHH employees Town Hall meeting and Summer lunch

Welcome to this semester’s last Town Hall meeting for employees. We will have refreshments in Speilsalen from 12.00. The Town Hall meeting will be from 12.15-13.00 in Aud Max. Immediately after the meeting we invite everyone to a Mexican inspired Summer lunch from 13.00-15.00.

FAIR Seminar Stefano Caria

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Stefano Caria. Stefano is a Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Warwick. Stefano uses experimental and structural methods to investigate how to make labour markets more inclusive and more efficient.

FAIR Workshop SAB Workshop

FAIR is hosting the Scientific Advisory Board Workshop on June 10th. SAB is a special workshop highlighting FAIR researchers and SAB members: Hilary Hoynes, David Laibson, Richard Blundell, and Eliana La Ferrara.

FAIR Seminar Danielle Li

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Danielle Li. Danielle is an Associate Professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management, as well as a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research. Her research interests are in the economics of innovation and labor economics, with a focus on how organizations evaluate ideas, projects, and people.

EquiFirm Workshop 2024 Gender Diversity in Organisations and Careers

The workshop is organised by Astrid Kunze (NHH Norwegian School of Economics), Marco Francesconi (University of Essex) and Antoine Bertheau (NHH Norwegian School of Economics). Funded by the NFR research grant on “Challenges in rapidly changing labor markets: Human capital, firms, and family policy” (EquiFirm)

The 7th CCF Conference

The Centre for Corporate Finance is happy to announce we will arrange the 7th CCF conference in Jebsen Centre on Tuesday, 4 June.

FAIR Seminar Johannes Rincke

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Johannes Rincke. Johannes is Chair of Economic Policy at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU). His research connects topics in the fields of public finance and behavioral economics. He is particularly interested in the design and execution of field experiments on individual compliance decisions (contributions to public goods, tax compliance, corruption, etc.).

The 8th Annual BECCLE Conference

The conference combines invited sessions with accomplished speakers and open sessions with presentations and discussions of original research papers in the fields of competition law and competition economics.

BECCLE Seminar Cartel Policy in Nordic Countries

BECCLE - Bergen Center for Competition Law and Economics invites you to a half-day seminar on Cartel Policy in Nordic Countries. There is no registration for attending this seminar. It is possible to eat lunch at the canteen at the Norwegian School of Economics before the seminar, on self-service basis.

FAIR Online Seminar Ulrike Malmendier

We invite you to a FAIR Online Seminar with Ulrike Malmendier. Ulrike is a Cora Jane Flood Professor of Finance at the Haas School of Business, and a Professor of Economics at the University of California.

Har du søkt master på NHH? Kom på åpen dag

NHH inviterer eksterne søkere til Master i økonomi og administrasjon til en åpen dag. Du får blant annet omvisning på campus, presentasjon av NHH, og svar på spørsmål om alt fra valg av masterprofil, via internasjonale muligheter til karrieremuligheter.

Statsministeren på NHH: Norge i en ny tid

I en tid preget av uforutsigbarhet og stadig endring, står to sikre realiteter klart for oss: Vi eldes som samfunn, og vi må nå våre klimamål. Hvordan skal vi ta Norge inn i en ny tid? Og hvorfor har Norge helt spesielle forutsetninger for å lykkes med utfordringene som ligger foran oss? Statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre holder gjesteforelesning ved Norges Handelshøyskole om hvordan vi skal nå viktige mål for fremtiden.

FAIR Seminar Julia Nafziger

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Julia Nafziger. Julia is a Professor at Aarhus University. Her main research and teaching interests are applied microtheory, behavioral, and experimental economics.

Webinar om utveksling: Brasil, Japan og Sør-Korea

Er du interessert i å dra på utveksling til panoramalanda Brasil, Japan eller Sør-Korea eller alle tre? Delta i videomøta Seksjon for internasjonale relasjonar arrangerer 15. og 16. mai! Du vil få informasjon om våre nye partnarar der, korleis det er å bu og vera på utveksling i dei tre landa, og møta NHH-studentar eller representantar frå norske ambassadar.

Vil du på utveksling? Kom på infomøte!

Seksjon for internasjonale relasjonar arrangerer infomøte for alle bachelorstudentar som er interessert i å dra på utveksling eller praksissemesteret i Sør-Afrika våren 2025. Velkomen!

FAIR Online Seminar John Friedman

We invite you to a FAIR Online Seminar with John Friedman. John is a Briger Family Distinguished Professor of Economics and International and Public Affairs, and Chair of the Economics Department at Brown University.

NFN Workshop NFN Workshop

The Nordic Finance Network and NHH's Department of Finance are hosting a Workshop for Finance PhD Students based in the Nordics.

Welcome to an Alumni Event in London

NHH and BI are proud to invite to our first alumni event together. Both rectors, Karen Spens from BI and Øystein Thøgersen from NHH will be present. Join us also at The Oyster Shed for a social gathering after the programme at DNB.

FAIR Seminar Suphanit Piyapromdee

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Suphanit Piyapromdee. Suphanit is an associate professor of Economics at University College London. Her current research studies (mis)matching and sorting in the labor markets using empirical and structural modelling techniques as well as randomised controlled trials.

Spring 2024 Micro Research Day

The Micro Group at the Department of Economics welcomes you to our Micro Research Day. The program consists of multiple 20 min presentations with Q&A.

FAIR Seminar Julien Senn

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Julien Senn. Julien is a Senior Research Associate at the Department of Economics at the University of Zurich. He is an applied microeconomist, with interests in behavioral economics, political economy, public economics, and labor economics.

ENGAGE.EU Area Learning meeting

The meeting is aimed mainly for key actors in ENGAGE.EU Area Learning. These members will come together for a 2-day meeting to strengthen education work at alliance level.

FAIR Seminar Joan Llull

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Joan Llull. Joan is a Research Professor at the Institute of Economic Analysis of the Centro de Estudios de Investigaciones Científicas (IAE-CSIC) and an Associate Research Professor at the Barcelona School of Economics.

Velkommen til Masterdag 2024

Skal du begynne på master til høsten? Lurer du på om du skal begynne på MØA eller MRR, eller hvilken profil som passer for deg? På masterdagen kan du få svar på dette og mye mer! Det vil også serveres lett lunsj.

Faculty seminar with Jan Bebbington

The Department of Accounting, Auditing and Law invites you to a faculty seminar with Jan Bebbington, Director of the Pentland Centre for Sustainability in Business, Lancaster University, UK.

FAIR Seminar Elaine M. Liu

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Elaine M. Liu. Elaine is a Professor of Economics at the University of Houston. She received her B.A. from Wellesley College and her Ph.D. in Economics from Princeton University. Professor Liu’s research lies at the intersection of the fields of development economics, health economics, labor economics, and behavioral economics.

Welcome to the Fourth Workshop in Closing the Circle Series

Want to know more about the ongoing research projects led by employees at NHH? Join us in the fourth workshop of Closing the Circle Project. The project aims to organize research seminars across all departments where young faculty would present their research and get to know colleagues across departments.

FAIR Seminar Dina Pomeranz

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Dina Pomeranz. Dina is an Assistant Professor at the University of Zurich. Her research focuses on public policies in developing countries, in particular in the areas of taxation and public procurement. Before joining the University of Zurich, she was an Assistant Professor at the Harvard Business School.

FAA seminar with Ane Tamayo

The Department of Accounting, Auditing and Law invites you to a FAA seminar with Ane Tamayo, London School of Economics and Political Science.

Baltic100 Workshop: Historical Macroeconomic Time Series

The Baltic100 project is a collaboration between NHH, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (ViA), University of Tartu and Vilnius University. We are thrilled to invite you to our workshop delving into the realms of historical analysis of the Baltic regions.

FAIR Seminar Josef Sigurdsson

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Josef Sigurdsson. Josef is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Stockholm University, Department of Economics. He is also a Research Fellow at the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) in London, the IZA Institute of Labor Economics, and the Center for Economic Studies/ifo institute (CESifo). His research spans the fields of labor economics and macroeconomics.

Velkommen til Varmere Våtere Villere for Videregående!

Klimafestivalen Varmere Våtere Villere inviterer til en spennende dag for VGS- elever der vi ønsker å inspirere dem til å tenke klima, miljø og bærekraft inn i utdanningsvalget, ved å presentere aktuell og relevant forskning, muligheter for studievalg i fylket, og ulike karrierevalg videre.

Fornybarkonferansen 2024 Motstand og lønnsomhet

Den grønne energiomstillingen skjer nå over hele kloden. Skal Norge henge med, må tempoet i utbygging av fornybar energi skrus kraftig opp. Ikke ved å gjenta gamle feil, men å svare på motstanden ved å gjøre ting på nye og bedre måter. Fortsatt lønnsomt, men mer skånsomt.

Book Launch & Book Signing: Professor Tore Ellingsen Changing the world by changing the game

The Department of Economics (SAM) and FAIR - Centre for Experimental Research on Fairness, Inequality and Rationality, invite you to a book launch with Tore Ellingsen. Why do some countries succeed while others struggle? Why are some firms profitable while rivals fail? Why do some marriages thrive and others end in divorce? These questions seem unrelated, but societies, companies, and marriages have one important thing in common: they involve more than one individual.

FAIR Seminar Tore Ellingsen

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Tore Ellingsen. Tore holds the Ragnar Söderberg Professorship of Economics at Stockholm School of Economics. He is also an adjunct professor at the Norwegian School of Economics.

CANCELLED - Town Hall meeting

NHH invites all employees to a Town Hall meeting in Aud Max. Coffee and light refreshments will be served in Speilsalen from 9.00. The meeting starts at 9.15.

Terravera, NTNU Alumni og NHH Alumni: Bærekraftsdata som beslutningsgrunnlag

Gode bærekraftsdata blir den viktigste valutaen fremover - som beslutningsstøtte for gode valg, for å tiltrekke seg kapital og for å oppfylle lovkrav til bærekraftsrapportering. Men hvilke data har vi, hva trenger vi, og hvem skal forvalte dem? Velkommen til fagseminar og debatt med ubalansert temperatur, faglige innspark og inspirasjon fra selskaper som forsøker å gi oss svarene.

FAIR Seminar Björn Tyrefors

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Björn Tyrefors. Björn is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Economics at Gothenburg University and a researcher at the Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN) Stockholm. His research is, among other topics, related to labor, education, and political economics.

She Innovates

Vi inviterer alle studenter i Bergen til en helaften bestående av inspirerende foredrag, spennende innslag og god mat. Gjennom kvelden entrer kvinner med ulik bakgrunn fra næringslivet og gründermiljøet scenen for å sette fokus på entreprenørskap, innovasjon og likestilling. Årets foredragsholdere blir fortløpende annonsert på våre sosiale medier - så følg med! Vi er glade for å ha Argentum, NVCA, Hansa Tankers og Rederiforeningen med på laget!

Velkommen til ESG-Dagen 2024

Næringslivsutvalget har gleden av å invitere til ESG-dagen 2024 på NHH. ESG-dagen viser studentene på NHH bredden i de ulike karrieremulighetene som finnes etter endt utdanning. Vi inviterer derfor ulike bedrifter med fokus på miljø og bærekraft til å møte våre studenter.

PhD Defense: Mahnaz Fakhrabadi Essays on Dynamic Games

On Monday 22 January 2024 Mahnaz Fakhrabadi will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend her thesis for the PhD degree at NHH. Title of the thesis: "Essays on Dynamic Games: Impacts of Different Contracts and Policy Constraints in a Distributional Robust Approach".

Vil du lære fransk? NHH lanserer nytt fransktilbud

Å kunne fransk språk for næringslivet vil åpne dører og være helt avgjørende for å lykkes. Fransk er et helt sentralt språk i internasjonalt diplomati og i et globalt næringsliv. NHH inviterer til lansering av et nytt og spennende tilbud i fransk fra og med våren 2024.

Welcome to the PhD Graduation Ceremony

We are extremely proud of our graduates and want to celebrate their academic accomplishments. The ceremony is for NHH graduates who defended their thesis between June 2023 and December 2023. We welcome all staff and faculty who wish to celebrate with us to the ceremony.

For master and bachelor students: Information meeting for the PhD programme’s main admission

Ambitious, analytical and curious? Let a PhD from NHH be your next career step! The deadline for applying to the PhD programme’s 2024 main admission is 15 January. If you want to learn about the application process, the PhD experience, and prospects in the job market, please join us at this information session. The event will also include lunch with representatives from the PhD programme and research groups at NHH.

Welcome to the Third Workshop in Closing the Circle Series

Want to know more about the ongoing research projects led by employees at NHH? Join us in the third workshop of Closing the Circle Project. The project aims to organize research seminars across all departments where young faculty would present their research and get to know colleagues across departments.

NHH Alumni Bergen Pitching Night

Velkommen til Bergen pitching night i regi av Avo Consulting, Askeladden & Co, Connect Vest, Dealflow, StartupLab, DNB og NHH Alumni! Ønsker du å møte investorer, bli kjent med nye selskaper eller bare få et innblikk i startup-miljøet i Bergen og ha en hyggelig kveld? Bli med på dette spennende arrangementet!

NHH Alumni Oslo Pitching Night

Velkommen til Oslo pitching night i regi av Avo Consulting, Askeladden & Co og NHH Alumni! Ønsker du å møte investorer, bli kjent med nye selskaper eller bare få et innblikk i startup-miljøet i Oslo og ha en hyggelig kveld? Bli med på dette spennende arrangementet!

FAIR Seminar Karen Macours

We invite you to a seminar with Karen Macours, Chaired Professor at the Paris School of Economics (PSE), and senior researcher (directrice de recherche) at the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE).

Interested in studying at NHH? Discover our new Bachelors's Programme

Join us for a live webinar about our new bachelor's programme in Business, Economics, and Data Science! During this one-hour live session, you will gain insights into the programme's unique features, curriculum, and the exciting opportunities it presents to students. Also, current enrolled NHH students will share their experiences about life at NHH and studying in Norway.

FAIR Seminar Joana Naritomi

We invite you to a seminar with Joana Naritomi, an Associate Professor at the London School of Economics, International Development Department, and the Academic Director of the LSE School of Public Policy.

PhD Defense Atle Haugen Essays on industrial organisation

On Tuesday October 3 2023 Atle Haugen will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend his thesis for the PhD degree at NHH. Title of the thesis: "Essays on industrial organisation: Digital platform competition, technology licensing, and vertical markets".

Velkommen til MØT NHH i TROMSØ

NHH inviterer alle interesserte til rekrutteringsarrangement i Tromsø. Få et innblikk i hvordan det er å være NHH-student! Det blir gjennomgang av NHHs studietilbud og livet som student i Bergen. Vi serverer pizza!

Workshop - NHH Career Centre Interview tips and training

We are delighted to invite you to an exclusive interview training session, by the NHH Career Centre and our esteemed alumni, Nikolai Mikalsen, currently working at Carnegie. This workshop promises to provide invaluable insights into the finance industry's interview processes, helping you excel in your career pursuits.

Welcome to St. Jerome's day 2023

The Department of Professional and Intercultural Communication invites you to a guest lecture with independent researcher Dr. Juliette Scott and independent researcher John O'Shea from Jurtrans Translation Ltd.

Vil du på utveksling til Australia? Informasjonsmøte med University of Sydney

University of Sydney besøker NHH og held informasjonsmøte. Arrangementet er opent for alle studentar som er interessert i å dra, eller planlegg å dra, på utveksling til University of Sydney eller Australia generelt. Du vil få sjansen til å stilla spørsmål om korleis det er å dra på utveksling i Sydney, praktiske spørsmål rundt visum og liknande og det å bu i Australia. Velkomen!

FAIR Seminar Simon Jäger

We invite you to a seminar with Simon Jäger, Chief Executive Officer of IZA, an Associate Professor of Economics at MIT, and a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Welcome to the Second Workshop in Closing the Circle Series

Want to know more about the ongoing research projects led by female employees at NHH? Join us in the second workshop of Closing the Circle Project. The project aims to organize research seminars across all departments where female faculty would present their research and get to know colleagues across departments.


Under Karrieredagene kommer 120 norske og utenlandske bedrifter fra offentlig og privat sektor til NHH for å møte studentene til samtaler om jobb og karriere. Karrieredagene strekker seg over en uke og hver dag tilbys spennende innhold i form av kurs og workshops. Selve Karrieredagen holdes torsdag 7. september.

RRR/FAIR Seminar Caroline Flammer

RRR and FAIR invite you to a joint seminar with Caroline Flammer. Caroline is a Rafto Professor of Human Rights and Business (adjunct) at RRR. She is also a Professor of International and Public Affairs and Climate at Columbia University.

Nordic Theory Group Workshop

The first Nordic Theory Workshop is to be held in Bergen on 23-24 June. The workshop is organised by Heidi Thysen (Norwegian School of Economics), Eirik Gaard Kristiansen (Norwegian School of Economics) and Jacopo Bizzotto (OsloMet).

EBSLG Conference 2023

The next European Business School Librarians’ Group (EBSLG) Conference is being held in Bergen, Norway and all group members are invited to find out more and book their place via this website.

The 6th CCF Conference

The Centre for Corporate Finance is happy to announce we will arrange the 6th CCF conference in Auditorium M on Thursday, 8 June.

NHH Alumni Bergen Pitching Night

Velkommen til Bergen pitching night i regi av Avo Consulting, Askeladden & Co, Dealflow, StartupLab og NHH Alumni! Ønsker du å møte investorer, bli kjent med nye selskaper eller bare få et innblikk i startup-miljøet i Bergen og ha en hyggelig kveld? Etter flere runder med pitching night i Oslo er det endelig tid for å se hva som rører seg i Bergen.

New workshop series Closing the Circle

Want to know more about the ongoing research projects led by female employees at NHH? Join us in the first Workshop of Closing the Circle Project. The project aims to organize research seminars across all departments where female faculty would present their research and get to know colleagues across departments.

FAIR/Macro Seminar Felix Chopra

We invite you to a joint FAIR/Macro Seminar with Felix Chopra. Felix is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics and the Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality (CEBI) at the University of Copenhagen.

Cross-disciplinary conference: Living with climate change

The University of Bergen and NHH invite to a cross-disciplinary international conference on climate change and how it concerns most aspects of our lives both politically and privately. Main topics are the role of climate in lifestyle issues, citizens’ motivation for everyday climate action, what generations can learn from each other and the place of lifestyle matters in politics and media.

FAIR Seminar Johanna Mollerstrom

FAIR invites you to a seminar with Associate Professor of Economics (tenure) Johanna Mollerstrom, Interdisciplinary Center for Economics Science (ICES) and the Economics Department at George Mason University in Arlington.

Velkommen til NHH-Symposiet 2023

Nord-Europas største studentdrevne konferanse for arbeidslivet feirer 40-årsjubileum i 2023. Årets tittel er "Fra norgesmestere til verdensmestere: Hvordan skal vi forme Norges fremtid de neste syv årene?"

NHH Alumni Pitching Night #2

Det er fantastisk mye spennende som rører seg i startup-miljøet i Norge, og NHH Alumni er selvfølgelig godt representert både som gründere, ledelse, styre og investorer. Det bør det bli mer av! Derfor inviterer vi for andre gang dette arrangementet for å matche selskaper og investorer, selskaper og folk og generelt skape en hyggelig og verdiskapende arena for NHH Alumni.

NHH Alumni Alumni event in Singapore

Welcome back to our second alumni event in Singapore and South East Asia. The Royal Norwegian Embassy is hosting this event in the Embassy Residence. The event is open for all NHH alumni and NHH exchange students in Singapore.

Alumnipils i Bergen: Design Thinking

NHH Alumnipils er en uformell afterwork som arrangeres hver måned, med store muligheter for å utvide nettverket og skaffe deg nye relasjoner, venner og kanskje kollegaer?

Women's Day Event: Diversity and inclusion for sustainable value creation

NHH invites all employees to an 8 March event led by Associate Professor Annelise Ly at the Department of Professional and Intercultural Communication. She will make us discuss and reflect on the status of diversity and inclusion at NHH. What opportunities does a diverse environment create for the institution and how can we further develop an inclusive environment?

FAIR Online Seminar Amy Finkelstein

We invite you to an online FAIR Seminar with Amy Finkelstein (Professor at MIT Economics). The title of her talk is: The Impact of the Great Recession on Health and Welfare. The seminar will be shown at FAIR with the speaker joining via Zoom. It’s not possible to attend digitally.

Innovasjon 2023: Innovasjon i krevende tider

I dette Norsk Innovasjonsindeks-seminaret, arrangert av forskningssenteret DIG, NHH og DIG-partner Bekk, presenterer vi funnene for 2022 og diskuterer gjennom ledende stemmer fra akademia og næringsliv innovasjonsstrategier for bedrifter i krevende tider.

Boklansering: Moderne verdiskapning

The HUB@NHH inviterer til lansering av boken Moderne verdiskaping: kunder og innovasjoner av professor Tor W. Andreassen. Både forfatteren og andre bidragsytere til utgivelsen deltar.

Invitation to English speaking researchers Join our writing course

Join our writing course held by professionals from forskning.no and learn all the techniques. Would you like to explain your research to a broader audience? This course will show you the exact steps to write convincing opinion pieces - and especially: It will improve your writing skills, also when writing an academic summary.

Launch event Internship in Asset Management

The financial industry offers a wide range of outstanding career opportunities. Our new master course, Internship in Asset Management, is a unique chance to learn more about the field and how it’s actually done. We welcome all master students to an inspirational launch event with prominent guests from our partners in the asset management industry.

Vil du på utveksling til Australia? Informasjonsmøte med University of Sydney

University of Sydney besøker NHH og held informasjonsmøte. Arrangementet er opent for alle studentar som er interessert i å dra på utveksling til University of Sydney, samt dei som skal til Australia og vil stilla generelle spørsmål. Du vil få sjansen til å stilla spørsmål om korleis det er å dra på utveksling til landet, praktiske spørsmål rundt visum og liknande og det å bu i Sydney. Velkomen!

Alumnipils i Oslo: Symp '23 kommer!

Nå også i Oslo! ✨NHH Alumnipils ✨ er en uformell afterwork som arrangeres hver måned, med store muligheter for å utvide nettverket og skaffe deg nye relasjoner, venner og kanskje kollegaer?

Utveksling til Australia? Informasjonsmøte med Macquarie University

Macquarie University i Sydney besøker NHH og held informasjonsmøte. Arrangementet er opent for alle studentar som er interessert i å dra på utveksling til Macquarie, samt dei som skal til Sydney eller Australia og vil stilla generelle spørsmål. Du vil få sjansen til å stilla spørsmål om korleis det er å dra på utveksling i Australia, praktiske spørsmål rundt visum og liknande og det å bu i Sydney. Velkomen!

Informasjonsmøte: Valgfag på bachelor

Programleder for bachelorutdanningen inviterer 2. semesterstudenter til å bli kjent med det varierte valgfagstilbudet på NHH. Få svar på spørsmål som hvilke valgfag kan en ta og hvilke regler gjelder dersom en skal på utveksling med mer.

Informasjonsmøte: Erasmus+ Staff Mobility

Erasmus+ Staff Mobility er eit tilbod for administrativt eller faglege tilsette som er interesserte i å få internasjonal erfaring og fagleg påfyll. Marion Fløysvik, Erasmus+ koordinator ved Seksjon for internasjonale relasjonar presenterer mogelegheiter for administrativt tilsette ved NHH.

Utveksling til Frankrike? Informasjonsmøte med kunnskapsattachéen

NHH får besøk av Rémi Lafaye, kunnskapsattachéen ved Den franske ambassaden i Oslo. Informasjonsmøtet er opent for alle studentar som er interesserte i å dra på utveksling til Frankrike, samt tilsette som er interesserte i generelle spørsmål kring utdanning i Frankrike. Du vil få sjansen til å stilla spørsmål om korleis det er å dra på utveksling til Frankrike, praktiske spørsmål rundt skulesystemet i Frankrike og liknande. Velkomen!

FAIR Seminar Maria Bigoni

Triggering Parental Time-Investments on Preschool Children through a mindful parenting program: results of the 1st wave of “MinUTo: Mind Us Together" By Maria Bigoni, Stefania Bortolotti, Tatiana Celadin, Margherita Fort, Annalisa Guarini, Chiara Monfardini, Alessandra Sansavini and Chiara Suttora

Utveksling til Australia? Informasjonsmøte med University of Queensland

University of Queensland besøker NHH og held informasjonsmøte. Arrangementet er opent for alle studentar som er interessert i å dra på utveksling til UQ eller Australia, samt dei som skal til Brisbane eller Australia og vil stilla generelle spørsmål. Du vil få sjansen til å stilla spørsmål om korleis det er å dra på utveksling i Australia, praktiske spørsmål rundt visum og liknande og det å bu i Brisbane. Velkomen!

The Business of Business Schools is Business

Our colleague Paul Gooderham has just recently retired from his position as Professor at the Department of Strategy and Management, and we will mark this with a seminar on Thursday 10th November. The focus of the seminar is on research collaboration between academia and the business community.

Utveksling til Australia? Informasjonsmøte med Monash University

Monash University vitjar NHH og held informasjonsmøte. Arrangementet er ope for alle studentar som er interessert i å dra på utveksling til Monash eller Australia, samt dei som skal til Melbourne eller Australia og vil stille generelle spørsmål kring dette. Du vil få sjansen til å stilla spørsmål om korleis det er å dra på utveksling i Australia, praktiske spørsmål rundt visum og liknande og det å bu i Melbourne. Velkomen!

The HUB-samtalen: Hva betyr web 3.0 for ledere?

Utviklingen av internett i retning av desentralisering og blokkjedeteknologi tvinger bedrifter, myndigheter og forskere til å tenke nytt. Hvordan kan vi skille hype fra betydningsfulle endringer? Og hvordan utfordrer kryptovaluta, quantum computing og NFTer alt fra skattesystemet vårt, til bærekraft og verdien av tillit?

Professor Lise Vesterlund: Workplace Equality

WomEN and FAIR Centre for Experimental Research on Fairness, Inequality and Rationality invites you to FAIR Affiliate Lise Vesterlund’s presentation about her new book, The No Club: Putting a Stop to Women’s Dead End Work. There will be a networking event with food and drinks in Speilsalen afterwards. For faculty, PhD students and staff!

Welcome to St. Jerome's day 2022

The Department of Professional and Intercultural Communication invites you to a guest lecture with Professor Gary Massey from the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences and Associate Professor Erik Angelone from the Kent State University.

Workshop on Competition and Procurement: From Bid Rigging to Zero Pricing

NHH, SNF, UiB and Bergen Center for Competition Law & Economics host this workshop gathering leading legal and economic experts specialized in the interaction between collusive practices and public procurements. Six international speakers plus the Head of The Norwegian Competition Authority, Tina Søreide, will be joining to discuss the law and economics of this important interaction.

Workshop: Cancelled! Organization wisdom - Part Two

The Balanse project CHALLENGE invites faculty to the second coaching workshop on organization wisdom. To be successful in an organization with regards to career goals, community building or leadership ambitions, one needs to take into account how the organization works, both formally and informally. The workshop will be a mix of discussions, focusing on episodes from the experience of participants.

Get to know OECD

Are you interested in applying for the OECD Internship programme? Than is this event the one to get your application writing started.

Conference: Contracts and Organizations

NHH invites to a conference on contracts and organizations. The program is put together to celebrate the recent retirement of Professor Trond Olsen who has made key contributions to the field of organizational economics and industrial economics.