Private Equity: The Two-Edged Sword?

The 19th Karl Borch Lecture will be given by Professor Josh Lerner. He is known for his research in venture capital, private equity, and innovation and entrepreneurship. He is the Jacob H. Schiff Professor of Investment Banking at the Harvard Business School. The title of his talk is “Private Equity: The Two-Edged Sword?”.

Programme - Tuesday, November 12, 2024




(Karl Borch's Aud.)



The 19th Karl Borch Lecture

(Karl Borch's Aud.)

Professor Josh Lerner

Private Equity: The Two-Edged Sword?


Lunch (by invitation only)


The Karl Borch Lecture Series

The Karl Borch Lecture Series was established in 2002 by the Department of Finance and Management Science, in honor of Karl Borch.

Borch was a professor at NHH between 1963 and 1986, and is considered one of the founders of economics of uncertainty.

The annual lecture is on a current research topic and given by distinguished scholars, whose research capture the pioneering spirit of Borch, but not necessarily his fields of research in a narrow sense.