Spring School in Behavioural Economics at UCSD
This week the 6th Spring School in Behavioural Economics is happening at University of California San Diego Rady School of Management.
This week the 6th Spring School in Behavioural Economics is happening at University of California San Diego Rady School of Management.
PhD student Ingvild Skarpeid is a Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences (BITSS) catalyst.
New possibility for a master's thesis on the development of fairness preferences at FAIR with Alexander W. Cappelen as supervisor.
New paper in Labour Economics: "The Heterogeneous Effects of Education on Crime: Evidence from Danish Administrative Twin Data".
FAIR has won the Bergen Awards for Best Research group or researcher in 2018!
New paper published in Journal of Experimental Social Psychology: “The Future and the Will: Planning requires self-control, and ego depletion leads to planning aversion”, by Hallgeir Sjåstad (postdoc at NHH/FAIR) and Roy Baumeister (Florida State University).
There are three PhD positions in FAIR projects you can apply for now. The deadline is 1. February.
New paper in the Journal of Human Resources "Missing Work Is a Pain: The Effect of Cox-2 Inhibitors on Sickness Absence and Disability Pension Receipt " by Aline Bütikofer (NHH) and Meghan M. Skira (University of Georgia).
Associate Professor Aline Bütikofer has recieved a 8 million NOK grant from The Research Council of Norway for the project "Reducing Inequality Through Complementarities in Investments in Education and Health".
The annual Meeting of the Norwegian Association for Economists is hosted by NHH and the keynote speakers are Professors Alexander W. Cappelen, Kjell Gunnar Salvanes, Bertil Tungodden, Ingvild Almås and Ola Kvaløy.
FAIR Insight Team welcomes you to the first episode of "Coffee with..."
We really want to interact with you on social media.
The Childhood Gap is one of the key projects at FAIR and last week we held a first workshop in the project to brainstorm useful and interesting ways forward.
François Libois and Vincent Somville have published "Fertility, household size and poverty in Nepal" in World Development. In the paper they study how fertility affects household size, composition and poverty in Nepal.
How should you distribute income so that you keep the fair inequalities (that derive from the freedom to choose), but not the unfair inequalities (that dervie from difference in opportunities)? Cappelen and Tungodden writes in Social Choice and Welfare.
FAIR has a new temporary financial officer Inge Bø. He is substituting for Anna Zheleznaya who is on parental leave.
Johan Egebark and Mathias Ekström test in their new paper "Liking what others 'Like': using Facebook to identify determinants of conformity" whether users are more prone to support content if someone else has "Liked" it before.
The Centre for Applied Research (SNF) at NHH has two Assistant/ Associate Professor positions in Behavioural Economics and/or Labour Economics affiliated with the FAIR Insight Team.
FAIR, Centre for Experimental Research on Fairness, Inequality and Rationality, søker to bachelorstudenter eller liknende som kan jobbe med støtte til forskningsprosjekter og administrasjon.
This week Henning Müller started at FAIR as an Assistant Professor.
The project ”Child care for childhood and business development” has recieved a grant of 10 million NOK from the Research Council of Norway.
FAIR-The Choice Lab at NHH Norwegian School of Economics and the Rady School of Management at UC San Diego (UCSD) will host the 6th Spring School in Behavioral Economics in San Diego, US from March 4.-8., 2018.
Øivind Schøyen explores coercion resentment in his working paper "What limits the powerful in imposing the morality of their authority?"
Ranveig Falch, PhD student at FAIR, is currently in Shanghai as part of a collaboration between FAIR and East China Normal University (ECNU).
PhD students Charlotte Ringdal and Ingrid Hoem Sjursen have a working paper on "Household bargaining and spending on children: Experimental evidence from Tanzania."
Tom Grimstvedt Meling has started working at FAIR. He will work at FAIR for one year in the areas finance, mechanism design, and labour economics.
Aline Bütikofer and Giovanni Peri have a new working paper on "The Effects of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills on Migration Decisions." Their evidence suggests that adaptability reduces the psychological cost of migrating, whereas cognitive skills increase the monetary returns associated with migration.
Alexander Cappelen, Gary Charness, Mathias Ekström, Uri Gneezy and Bertil Tungodden have published the working paper "Exercise Improves Academic Performance".
This week Forskningsdagene is happening all over Norway and Cappelen, Risa and Tungodden will contribute here in Bergen.
Hallgeir Sjåstad, affiliated researcher at FAIR-The Choice Lab has a new working paper "Short-sighted greed? Focusing on the future promotes strategic cooperation."
FAIR is hosting the Early-Career Behavioral Economics Conference in Bergen in June 2018 and they are announcing the call for papers.
Xiaogeng Xu, Armando Garcia Pires and Thomas de Haan from FAIR-The Choice Lab have all presented their research at conferences and seminars this week.
Professor Katrine Vellesen Løken at FAIR-CELE has recieved an ERC starting grant for the project CIVICS - Criminality, Victimization and Social Interactions
In August, three new PhDs startet at FAIR, Oda Kristine Storstad Sund and Kjetil Røiseland Madland at FAIR The Choice Lab and Mirjam Linnea Wentzel at FAIR CELE
Today the internal kick off of the new Centre of Excellence FAIR - Centre for Experimental Research on Fairness, Inequality and Rationality took place.
The paper "Job Loss and Regional Mobility" by CELE and FAIR researcher Kjell Salvanes and co-authors is coming up in the next issue of Journal of Labor Economics.
The CELE and FAIR researcher Katrine V. Løken is appointed member of an expert committee that will study gender differences in school performance.
Katrine V. Løken is a new CELE faculty affiliate and a principal investigator at FAIR.
CELE welcomes the new PhD student and CELE member Mirjam Wentzel at the Norwegian School of Economics.
CELE together with the University College London (UCL), the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), and the Paris School of Economics (PSE) has been awarded a second research grant from the NORFACE program on Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-course (DIAL).
CELE hosts a PhD course titled "Advanced Microeconometrics" with A. Colin Cameron (U.C. Davis) from August 28 to September 1, 2017.
CELE together with the University College London (UCL), the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), and the Paris School of Economics (PSE) has been awarded a research grant from the NORFACE program on “Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-course”.
On May 09, CELE affiliate Sandra E. Black was appointed Honorary Doctor at NHH. Black will be principal investigator at the new Center of Excellence FAIR.