14. Very good news just before Christmas

14. Very good news just before Christmas

Diku approved our application and will fund the Innovation School.


We received some very good news: Diku - the Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Norwegian Education will fund the Innovation School with 5mn kr for three years. The funding will allow us to finance administrative support and, especially, to develop competences that will benefit NHH's student body as a whole. We are also thinking about developing a (small) scholarship system for the participating students. We will announce more details in the near future.


We are also happy to announce that 30 students accepted our offer. These 30 students will start in January with the first "new" Innovation School. We are very much looking forward to it.

Given the ongoing pandemic, the Spring program will take place digitally at least until Easter. We hope that we will be able to go back to the classroom after Easter. A big challenge will be how to create arenas for interaction among the students and how to creat a group feeling. We have several ideas to tackle this challenge, and are looking forward to implementing them.

We also made a lot of progress on the internship side, and more or less completed the hunt for internships. Unfortunately, we also received an unexpected cancellation. However, we somehow expected unexpected cancellations due to Covid. Fortunately, we are already in contact with another company that will hopefully step in. We also send regular updates to the corporate network in order to stay in touch. This time, we send Christmas greetings in a short video that also gives an impression of Bergen and NHH. Have a look if you are interested:


Germany will go into another lockdown before Christmas. Let us hope that the situation improves soon, and that the vaccination will take place quickly.


Finally, we wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.