13. Admission letters sent out

13. Admission letters sent out

The application deadline on October 15 passed.

Today we sent out the admission to our applicants. In total, we received 54 applications. Our current target group size is 30 students. We are still in contact with a number of companies and may be able to increase the group size. Unfortunately, because the German government imposed a “lockdown light” as a response to the increased Covid-19 infections, that task became a bit more difficult. However, we continue to work on that matter and are confident that we may be able to admit even a few more. That means for now that there is still a real chance for the students on the waiting list to get into the program.


We also determined the study fee – it is 34 000 kr. That is less than half compared to the predecessor in the US. We feel that we achieved our first goal to decrease the costs for the students.
We applied for approval by Lånekassen but did not receive an answer, yet. However, we expect approval soon. In the unlikely event of a rejection, we will reconsider the fee and/or give the option to withdraw from the program.

Furthermore, we also did not yet get a notification from our funding application at DIKU. We expect an answer in the beginning of December. Depending on the outcome, we may be able to grant additional scholarships, further decreasing the costs for the students.

We are excited to see how many students will accept the offer. We are aware that a number of students also applied for the Gruenderskolen, and that some will have to decide for one of the programs.

Regarding Covid-19: The situation in Europe worsened during the previous weeks. However, that was not unexpected to happen during the winter months. We are still confident to offer the program as planned – though most of the Spring teaching will probably take place digitally. And even if there will still be significant government restrictions during the summer, we are working on a contingency plan in order to minimize the effects on our students. That may include additional digital teaching.