Incoming exchange
You are welcome to spend a semester or a whole year at NHH in the beautiful city of Bergen.
Application deadlines
- 1 May for exchange in the autumn semester
- 15 October for exchange in the spring semester
How to apply
Start your application to NHH after you have been nominated by your home university.
Who can apply for incoming exchange
Who can apply for incoming exchange
To qualify for exchange at NHH you must be:
- A student at one of our partner schools.
- Approved and nominated for exchange by your home university/school by relevant deadlines.
Unfortunately, we do not accept free movers in our exchange programme.
How to apply for incoming exchange
How to apply for incoming exchange
How to be nominated
- Apply for exchange to your home university/school.
- Your home university nominates you to NHH:
- Early March to 15 April for exchange in the autumn semester
- Early September to 1 October for exchange in the spring semester
- Receive two e-mails from us with instructions to apply - check your email and spam filter regularly.
Apply to NHH
Complete these steps by the application deadline:
- Log in to the application platform and fill out your profile:
- Check that your name, nationality and date of birth are correct. If not, notify us at
- Register your complete home address, including street name and number, postal code, city/region and country.
- Choose the relevant level/programme.
- Upload required documents.
Required documents
- Transcript of Records: Official document in English which shows previous courses taken at your home university/school.
- Passport/ID: Scan of the ID page in your passport or your EU identity card.
No other documents are required for us to process your application.
Anything missing?
If anything is missing in your application, we will contact you and give you a few days to provide additional information/documents.
Login issues?
If you are unable to log in at Søknadsweb, you may have changed your e-mail address the last time you were logged in. This means that you have also changed your username.
Try logging in with one of your other e-mails. Hopefully this will fix it.
Courses for exchange students
Courses for exchange students
when can you sign up for courses
- Autumn semester: Late June to 1 September
- Spring semester: Late December to 1 February
Course lists
- Courses for exchange students at bachelor level
- Courses for exchange students at master level
- Courses for CEMS students
Course lists are updated for next semester by:
- Autumn semester: 20 June
- Spring semester: 20 December
Before these dates, the course lists are tentative and minor changes may occur.
Course System at NHH
- NHH uses the ECTS grading scale – A to F or pass/fail.
- A full semester workload at NHH is 30 ECTS.
- Most courses are 7,5 ECTS (45 lecture hours).
- The language of instruction is English (and Norwegian).
- Norwegian language courses are 7,5 ECTS.
Norwegian language Courses
Norwegian language courses offered at NHH are open for all international students. You sign up at Studentweb in the same way as for other courses.
More information about courses
Please read the all information under the section Choosing courses carefully before selecting courses at NHH.
Learning agreements
Learning agreements
Who needs a learning agreement
You only need to get a learning agreement signed if your home university/school instructs you to do so.
What is a learning agreement
- A learning agreement sets out the study plan for your exchange.
- It should be approved by the student and the sending and receiving institutions.
Filling in your learning agreement
Most students will need to fill in:
- Receiving responsible person: International coordinator -
- Receiving administrative contact person: same as above
- Academic year: 2024/2025
- Planned start of the mobility: 12 August 2024/ 3 January 2025
- Planned end of the mobility: 20 December 2024/ 20 June 2025
- The NHH Erasmus code: N BERGEN02 (only relevant for Erasmus students)
- Course codes and names: see our course lists
Processing times
- Processing time to sign learning agreements is 1 week.
- Exchange students spring 2025: We recommend that you get your learning agreement signed after 20 December, when the course list for the spring semester is updated. We will not prioritise signing learning agreements before this date.
- Exchange students autumn 2025: We recommend that you get your learning agreement signed after 20 June, when the course list for the autumn semester is updated. We will not prioritise signing learning agreements before this date.
Online learning agreements
We encourage all students and our partner institutions to use an online system for signing learning agreements. Alternatively, you must email the learning agreement as a pdf to
Completed your application – what’s next?
Your application status is “under consideration” at Søknadsweb (the application portal).
Check your email regularly
Check your email regularly
Don't miss anything - check your email
We will notify you by email if/when:
- Anything is missing in your application.
- There are important deadlines coming up.
- You have been accepted for exchange.
Get familiar with the admission timeline
Get familiar with the admission timeline
Spring semester 2025
- Early September: Nomination and application system opens
- 1 October: Application system for student housing opens (Sammen)
- 10 October: Nomination deadline
- 15 October: Application deadline
- 1 November: Application deadline for student housing (Sammen)
- First 2 weeks of November: Student housing is allocated by Sammen
- 20 October to 15 November: Letters of Acceptance and offers of admission published at Søknadsweb
- 15 November: Deadline to accept/decline offer of admission at Søknadsweb. If your offer of admission is delayed, you will get an individual deadline after 15 November
- 15 November: Non-EU/EEA citizens only: Recommended final date to submit application for a study permit
- 30 November: Deadline to withdraw from exchange and from student housing contract
- By 20 December: Course list is ready for spring 2025
- By 23 December: Access to register for courses at Studentweb (the NHH student portal)
- 6 January (new date!): Welcome programme starts: Arrive in Bergen by this date
- 6 January: Lectures start: Sign up for courses by this date is recommended
- 1 February: Final deadline to sign up for courses and register as a student at NHH
Apply for student housing
Apply for student housing
Application periods
- 31 March - 10 May for exchange in the autumn semester
- 1 October - 1 November for exchange in the spring semester
Housing guarantee
Exchange students are guaranteed student housing from the Student Welfare Organisation in Bergen (Sammen) under certain conditions.
We advise you to apply for student housing from Sammen, as it can be challenging to find housing on the private market in Bergen.
How to apply
Nominated students will receive detailed instructions on how to apply to ensure you qualify for the housing guarantee. Instructions are sent to you from
Where to stay in Bergen
Options closest to NHH are the rooms at the Hatleberg Student Hostel (across the road from NHH) or Øyjordsveien. The other housing options are also easily reached by public transport to/from NHH.
Sammen will do their best to place you in one of the options you apply for, but they may place you somewhere else if there is competition.
When will you receive a housing offer
Rooms are allocated about 2 weeks after the housing application deadline.
The housing application system does not work on a first come, first serve basis, but we still recommend that you submit your application as early as possible to ensure a stressfree prosess.
Shared rooms
Most students staying for one semester will be offered a shared room - to make sure all students get a housing offer.
If you are not able to share a room for health reasons, you must submit a declaration from your doctor (in English) to Sammen that this will not be possible for you. The deadline to submit the declaration is the same as the housing application deadline.
Tenancy agreement
The tenancy agreement usually has standard dates:
- 1 August - 31 December (autumn semester)
- 1 August - 31 July (full year)
- 1 January - 31 July (spring semester)
Dates can vary slightly. Read the tenancy agreement carefully before you sign it to make sure it's a good fit for you.
Once the agreement is signed, you are liable for paying rent for the entire duration covered in the tenancy agreement, unless you withdraw from your exchange altoghether and notify NHH and Sammen about this by the relevant deadlines.
Questions about student housing?
Do you have special needs for housing or other questions?
Receive your letter of acceptance from NHH
Receive your letter of acceptance from NHH
when do we process applications
We will normally process your application in:
- May for exchange in the autumn semester
- Late October and early November for exchange in the spring semester
Make sure you check your email often in this time period.
Application status
The status of your application will be “under consideration” in Søknadsweb until we have processed it.
How will you receive your letter of acceptance
- The letter of acceptance is published at Søknadsweb under My documents when your application has been processed.
- We will notify you by email when it has been uploaded at Søknadsweb.
- Not all the letters of acceptance are published on the same date. We usually publish them once a week in the processing period.
Why you need the letter of acceptance
Your Letter of Acceptance is an important document you can use to:
- Confirm your admission to your home university.
- Apply for a study permit to the Norwegian immigration authorities.
- Register with the police upon arrival in Bergen.
- Claim student discounts in Norway until you download the Student ID app.
Need to withdraw from your exchange?
Need to withdraw from your exchange?
Life happens, and sometimes students need to withdraw from their exchange. We really appreciate that you notify us as soon as possible if you need to withdraw.
before letter of acceptance
- Withdraw your application at Søknadsweb if possible, or
- Email us at
After letter of acceptance
- Decline the offer of admission at Søknadsweb if possible, or
- Email us at
Notify Sammen Housing
You must also make sure that you contact Sammen if you applied for student housing, to decline their housing offer or cancel the tenancy agreement, so that you don’t have to pay rent/fees.
Plan your arrival
Excited, but also a bit nervous about moving to a new country? No need to worry. Plan ahead with this checklist and have a smooth arrival in Bergen.
Apply for a study permit
Apply for a study permit
who needs a study permit
International students moving to Norway must have a valid residence permit for studies (study permit).
Nordic nationals are exempt from this requirement, but you should register with the National Population Register after moving to Norway if you will be living here for more than 6 months.
How to apply for a study permit
You must have received your Letter of Acceptance before you apply.
Your Letter of Acceptance confirms:
- Your admission as an exchange student to NHH.
- That you have sufficient funding for the study period.
- That you are not required to pay tuition fees.
- That you have somewhere to live while in Norway.
How you apply for a study permit depends on your nationality:
EU/EEA nationals
EU/EEA nationals
Registration scheme process
- Bring documents from home:
- Passport or national ID card (must also include gender)
- European Health Insurance Card or private health insurance
- Letter of Acceptance from NHH (printed version)
- Register online after arrival in Bergen when you have received your Norwegian address.
- Only students staying for 2 semesters: Register with the local police in Bergen (in person) with the required documents. A registration day will be organised by NHH in cooperation with the local police, and you will receive all the necessary information about this in August/January.
when should you do what
Check that you have all the required documents:
- In June for exchange in the autumn semester
- In November for exchange in the spring semester
- Online registration after you have moved in to your accommodation in Bergen and received your Norwegian address.
- Police registration is organised by NHH at the start of the semester, we send information by e-mail to the students who are required to do this.
- Bring documents from home:
Non-EU/EEA nationals
Non-EU/EEA nationals
application process
- Visit UDI's website about study permits.
- Find information relevant for your country, print the checklist, and gather the required documents.
- Submit your online application, if needed use the NHH organisation number 974 789 523.
- Pay the application fee and book an appointment to hand in your documents in person at the nearest Norwegian embassy/consulate or visa application centre.
- Register with the local police in Bergen after arrival. A registration day will be organised by NHH in cooperation with the local police, and you will receive all the necessary information about this at the start of the semester.
- You will receive your residence card a few weeks after the registration.
Remember to always follow the updated application procedures for your country at UDI's website.
when should you apply for a study permit
The processing of your application normally takes several weeks. We therefore recommend that you hand in your application as soon as possible and by:
- The middle of June for exchange in the autumn semester
- The middle of November for exchange in the spring semester
when can you travel to norway - entry visas
After you have submitted your application for a study permit, you must normally wait until you have received an answer before you can travel to Norway, but this also depends on your nationality:
- Need visa: You will automatically also receive an entry visa when you have been granted a study permit. Read more about this at UDI's website.
- Visa-free: You can travel to Norway before you have received an answer to your application if you don't need a visa to visit Norway (visa-free countries) or you already hold a visa or residence permit to Norway or another Schengen country.
apply from norway - is it possible?
It is possible for some students to apply for a study permit from Norway, but we strongly recommend that you apply from abroad as the process will be much quicker and smoother than if you start your application from Norway.
Unsure if you are an EU/EEA national or non-EU/EEA?
We use the same definitions as the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI).
Book your ticket
Book your ticket
When should you arrive
Before Monday 6 January 2025 (new date!): The spring semester 2025 starts with the Welcome Programme on 6 January. There will also be an optional social event on 3 January for students who arrive earlier. See details for the Welcome Programme below.
Moving in at Sammen housing: Check when your tenancy agreement starts and pick up your keys during Sammen's opening hours.
If you arrive when Sammen is closed, you must make other sleeping arrangements for the first night or until Sammen opens again.
How to travel to Bergen
Tips on how to travel to and in Bergen
We encourage you to consider whether travelling by rail or bus could be an option for you.
Tips about green travel and living from Green Erasmus
When should you plan to leave Bergen
There is no official ceremony or event organised by NHH at the end of the semester for our exchange students, so when should you plan to leave Bergen and NHH? Consider:
- When do you have your final exam?
- Maybe you want to travel a bit in Norway after exams?
- Do you want to travel and then leave Norway from another city?
- Do you have time to say your goodbyes?
Exam dates: Depending on which courses you take, you might finish your exams earlier than the official last day of the semester. The exam dates will be available in late June for the autumn semester and late December for the spring semester.
Saying goodbye: There's a lot to consider, but make sure you plan for a few days to say goodbye to new friends, pack and clean out your room, and maybe explore the last sights in Bergen.
Get health and travel insurance
Get health and travel insurance
Be insured
All students must have valid health insurance for the entire duration of their stay in Norway. We strongly recommend that you also have travel insurance.
- EU/EEA students: You must bring either the European Health Insurance Card ( or documentation of private health insurance to Norway.
- Non-EU/EEA students: You must have private or public health insurance to cover your stay in Norway or until you have become a member of the National insurance Scheme if you want to apply for this.
Prepare for life in Bergen
Prepare for life in Bergen
Get informed and make a plan
Prepare well for your exchange and get the most out of your experience! Here are a few relevant topics:
- Guide to Bergen | Study Bergen
- Packing list | StudyBergen
- Cost of living in Bergen | StudyBergen
- Moving to Bergen | StudyBergen
- Green your exchange | Green Erasmus
- Free Norwegian language course | FutureLearn
- Offers on campus | NHH
- An active student life | NHH
"There is no bad weather...
...there is only bad clothing." There is a lot of truth to this Norwegian saying.
Learn how to embrace the typical Bergen weather with the right clothing, the umbrella manoeuvring guide, and more.
Tips and insights about the Bergen weather | StudyBergen
Sending luggage to Bergen?
Customs: If you plan to send luggage to Bergen by post, make sure you fill out the correct papers to avoid having to pay customs on your own belongings.
Norwegian Custom rules and regulations
Address: Make sure you write your name on your post box at the address you are staying in Bergen.
If you stay at Hatleberg student hostel, write your complete address on the package you send: Your name, Hatleberg Student hostel, Hatleveien 5, Block xx Room xxx (if you are in the F-block 203, you write Block F 203 A or B).
Special needs for exams and on campus?
Special needs for exams and on campus?
Special needs for exams
NHH offers special arrangements for exams under certain conditions. Apply for special arrangements in the beginning of the semester (by 1 September/1 February), or check the rules for acute conditions.
Special arrangements for exams at NHH
Special needs on campus
Exchange students with physical, mental or health related conditions can receive support services from NHH during their exchange period.
- Discuss your needs with the exchange coordinator at your home university.
- Ask your exchange coordinator to contact us at to make sure we can meet your specific needs during your stay at NHH.
- Our contact person for special needs at NHH will work with you and your coordinator to assess your support needs and will help with special arrangements while you study at NHH.
- You can apply for accessible student housing from Sammen if needed, but make sure that you document your specific needs in your housing application. If you have any questions about student housing, contact Sammen.
Semester dates
Semester dates
Academic year 2024/2025
Autumn semester 2024
- 12 August: Welcome programme starts
- 19 August-8 November: Teaching period
- 1 September: Deadline to register for courses at Studentweb
- 11 November-20 December: Examination period
Spring semester 2025
- 6 January: Welcome programme starts
- 6 January-25 April: Teaching period
- 1 February: Deadline to register for courses at Studentweb
- 12-21 April: Easter holiday in Norway
- 28 April-20 June: Examination period
Academic year 2025/2026
Autumn semester 2025
- 11 August: Welcome programme starts
- 18 August-7 November: Teaching period
- 1 September: Deadline to register for courses at Studentweb
- 10 November-19 December: Examination period
Spring semester 2026
- 5 January: Welcome programme starts
- 5 January-17 April: Teaching period
- 1 February: Deadline to register for courses at Studentweb
- 28 March-6 April: Easter holiday in Norway
- 20 April-12 June: Examination period
Late arrival?
Late arrival?
Arriving late for the welcome programme?
If you are not able to attend the whole programme, we encourage you to join as soon as you arrive and participate in all the activities you can. You do not have to notify us, just turn up at the relevant auditorium/ meeting point.
If you are not able to attend the programme at all, make sure you complete the tasks in the After arrival checklists and contact us at if you have any questions.
Some courses may have compulsory activities in August/January. It's important to consider which courses you sign up for and the courses' schedules and exam dates if you arrive late.
Notify sammen
Are you arriving three or more weeks after your tenancy agreement with Sammen Housing begins? You must notify Sammen Housing of your arrival date.
Get started online
There are several online tasks you can complete before you arrive at NHH as a new student. We will e-mail you with more information as soon as you can get started, usually in late June / late December.
1. Activate your NHH user account - Feide login
1. Activate your NHH user account - Feide login
How to activate your nhh user account
- Open
- Enter your NHH student number and generate (reset) password.
- You will then receive an e-mail containing a link for generating a new password. When you set a new password, make sure it does not contain your name, this will not be accepted by the system.
your feide login
Your NHH email address in the format and the password you created is your “Feide login” which you will use to log in to all services at NHH.
If you are not sure what your NHH email address is, you will find your e-mail address at with your student number (Sxxxxxx).
2. Register as a student and sign up for courses - Studentweb
2. Register as a student and sign up for courses - Studentweb
how to Register for the Semester
- Open Login - Studentweb (
- Log in using your Feide login.
- Click on the green button – Start registration, and follow all the steps to complete the semester registration.
- As part of the semester registration, you also sign up for courses in the Education plan by using either the Add or Prioritize button. If you are unsure which courses you should sign up for, read more below under Choosing courses.
- Wait until the next day and access your courses at Canvas and download the Student ID app (see next steps).
No semester fee
Exchange students are exempt from paying the semester fee, but you have the same rights as other students.
when can you register - autumn semester
- Late June to 1 September for regular courses - sign up at Studentweb
- 1 August to mid-August for courses with limited places (restricted access courses)
when can you register - spring semester
- Late December to 1 February for regular courses - sign up at Studentweb
- Late December to early January for courses with limited places (restricted access courses)
course changes
After you have completed the semester registration at Studentweb, the green button will be deactivated.
You can still make changes to your education plan, sign up for or delete courses, change classes, update your profile and more, by the relevant deadlines.
3. Log in to the NHH e-learning system - Canvas
3. Log in to the NHH e-learning system - Canvas
Why use canvas
The e-learning system, Canvas, will contain
- Your personal timetable
- The homepage for your courses
- Useful course resources
- Important messages from your lecturers and fellow students
How do you log in
- Sign up for courses at Studentweb first (see how in the steps above).
- Wait until the next day (the system updates overnight).
- Go to the Canvas Dashbord (
- Choose work or school account and use your Feide login to log in at Canvas.
If you are not able to access the login page, please try to delete cookies and saved passwords from the browser you are using.
4. Download the Student ID+ app
4. Download the Student ID+ app
how to get your student id
- Register at NHH: Activate your NHH user account and register at Studentweb (steps 1 and 2 above).
- Next day: The next day you can download, log in, and use the Student ID+ app.
- Download the app in the App Store (iOS), Google Play (Android), or Windows Store (Windows, from version 10.0). The name of the app is Student ID+, provided by Sikt - Kunnskapssektorens tjenesteleverandør.
- Online first time: Your phone must be online the first time you use the app to download the information correctly. The information will then be stored locally on your phone and you do not have to be online to use it after that.
- Log in: Choose NHH as your institution and log in with your Feide login.
- Upload photo: Upload your photo or take one with the PhotoBox app.
User support for student photo
If the Student ID+ app does not display your information correctly, please try to uninstall the app and then install it again. This will fix most issues.
Student discounts
Use the Student ID+ app with your regular ID card (with ID photo) to prove your status as a student in Norway and receive student discounts.
5. Log in to NHH e-mail
5. Log in to NHH e-mail
Your NHH e-mail
All students will receive their own NHH student e-mail address.
- The format is:
- You will find your e-mail address at NHH Selfservice with your student number (Sxxxxxx) if necessary.
- More info at IT Support for students | NHH.
Access your e-mail account now
check your e-mail regularly
We will use this e-mail for information and messages, and it is thus compulsory that you check this e-mail account on a regular basis and at least a couple of times per week.
Choosing courses
Not sure which courses or how many credits you should sign up for? Read more below and discuss options with your home school/university.
Courses for exchange students
Courses for exchange students
when can you sign up for courses
- Autumn semester: Late June to 1 September
- Spring semester: Late December to 1 February
Course lists
- Courses for exchange students at bachelor level
- Courses for exchange students at master level
- Courses for CEMS students
Course lists are updated for next semester by:
- Autumn semester: 20 June
- Spring semester: 20 December
Before these dates, the course lists are tentative and minor changes may occur.
Course System at NHH
- NHH uses the ECTS grading scale – A to F or pass/fail.
- A full semester workload at NHH is 30 ECTS.
- Most courses are 7,5 ECTS (45 lecture hours).
- The language of instruction is English (and Norwegian).
- Norwegian language courses are 7,5 ECTS.
Norwegian language Courses
Norwegian language courses offered at NHH are open for all international students. You sign up at Studentweb in the same way as for other courses.
More information about courses
Please read the all information under the section Choosing courses carefully before selecting courses at NHH.
Considerations when selecting courses
Considerations when selecting courses
Not first come, first serve system
We don't use a first come, first serve system for course signups at NHH. You normally sign up for the courses you want to take at Studentweb by the final registration deadline (1 September/1 February).
There are only a handful of courses with limited places (restricted access courses at master's level) which you apply for at the start of the semester. The application deadline is 6 January for the spring semester 2025.
All the applications for these courses will be considered after the deadline – so not on a first come, first serve basis either.
How to make it easier to choose courses at NHH
- Use the course lists to find out which courses are offered.
- Use the course descriptions to double check if the course is offered in the spring semester 2025. Unfortunately the columns for semesters in the course lists are not completely up to date (technical error).
- Use the overview of schedules and exam dates to make sure the course schedules and/or exam dates don’t overlap.
Read the course description for each course carefully – click on the course title in the course list:
- Check that the course is offered in the semester relevant to you.
- Check if there are compulsory activities and/or attendance required for the course. If there are, you must comply with those to be allowed to complete the course and sit the final exam. If you don’t, you will fail the course.
- Check if the final exams require you to be present at NHH on the day or not, and whether you are able to comply with this requirement.
- If you have any questions about the course, contact the course responsible listed in the course description.
how many courses
How many courses should you take at NHH?
- A full semester workload is 30 ECTS per semester.
- Most courses are 7,5 ECTS (45 lecture hours).
- Most students will take 4 x 7,5 ECTS per semester, but a few courses are smaller, so check your total workload before the registration deadline.
Can you take LESS than 30 ECTS credits?
- NHH does not require you to take 30 ECTS per semester, but this is the regular recommended amount for most students.
- You must always plan your semester workload (the number of courses and ECTS credits you should take) with your home school/university.
- If you have a special arrangement with your home university which means that you need to take less than 30 ECTS at NHH, this is fine with us.
- You don't have to ask or notify us. Just sign up for the courses you need at Studentweb.
Can you take MORE than 30 ECTS credits?
- NHH allows you to take more than 30 ECTS, for example if you want to take a language course in addition to other courses.
- However, we recommend that you plan for some non-academic activities as well, to make sure you will get the most of your exchange experience.
- A huge academic workload may be okay at home, but many exchange students also need time to adjust to a new country and a new education system. Consider this before you sign up for a lot more than 30 ECTS credits.
- You don't have to ask or notify us, and it doesn't cost anything to take more than 30 ECTS credits per semester. Just sign up for the courses you need at Studentweb.
Can you sign up for courses and then withdraw?
- Yes, many students will sign up for all relevant courses they are interested in at Studentweb in the beginning of the semester. Then they can check out the course information at Canvas, go to the first lectures, discuss with home school/university, and then decide which courses they end up taking.
- You can add new courses in your education plan at Studentweb until the registration deadline (1 September/1 February). After this date, no new courses can be added.
- You can also withdraw from courses at Studentweb after the registration deadline.
- However, we highly recommend that you withdraw from courses you will not take as soon as possible. You only have two attempts at an exam, so better to be safe than sorry.
- Read more about Examination attempts, Course approval, Withdraw from exam | NHH.
Error message at studentweb
Exchange students at master level will often find that there is an error message at Studentweb if they sign up for less than 22,5 ECTS credits. Please ignore this message - you are not required to take 22,5 ECTS credits by NHH (see answers above).
course changes
Yes, it's possible to make changes! See more below.
Course changes
Course changes
course changes at studentweb
After you have completed the semester registration at Studentweb, the green button will be deactivated.
You can still add and remove courses from your education plan at Studentweb at any time before the registration deadline (1 September/1 February).
Navigate Studentweb
- Once you've logged in, use the menu at the top of the page to navigate.
- To see and edit your education plan, choose Studies in the top menu and your programme.
- In the education plan for your programme, you can sign up for additional courses and/or withdraw from courses you will not take.
after the registration deadline
After the registration deadline, you can withdraw from classes and most exams yourself at Studentweb, but you can't edit your education plan. If you need assistance, please contact us at
We highly recommend that you withdraw from courses you will not take as soon as possible. You only have two attempts at an exam, and although this may not be relevant for exchange students staying only for one semester, it's better to be safe than sorry.
More about Examination attempts, Course approval, and Withdrawal from exams
Courses at master's level for bachelor students
Courses at master's level for bachelor students
master's level courses available
As a bachelor's student you can sign up for some courses at master's level if they are in the course list for exchange students at bachelor's level.
Check prerequisites and sign up
Courses at master's level usually have required or recommended prerequisites. It is your responsibility to read these carefully to make sure you meet them.
Sign up for courses via your education plan at Studentweb, just like you sign up for courses at bachelor's level.
Learning agreements
Learning agreements
Who needs a learning agreement
You only need to get a learning agreement signed if your home university/school instructs you to do so.
What is a learning agreement
- A learning agreement sets out the study plan for your exchange.
- It should be approved by the student and the sending and receiving institutions.
Filling in your learning agreement
Most students will need to fill in:
- Receiving responsible person: International coordinator -
- Receiving administrative contact person: same as above
- Academic year: 2024/2025
- Planned start of the mobility: 12 August 2024/ 3 January 2025
- Planned end of the mobility: 20 December 2024/ 20 June 2025
- The NHH Erasmus code: N BERGEN02 (only relevant for Erasmus students)
- Course codes and names: see our course lists
Processing times
- Processing time to sign learning agreements is 1 week.
- Exchange students spring 2025: We recommend that you get your learning agreement signed after 20 December, when the course list for the spring semester is updated. We will not prioritise signing learning agreements before this date.
- Exchange students autumn 2025: We recommend that you get your learning agreement signed after 20 June, when the course list for the autumn semester is updated. We will not prioritise signing learning agreements before this date.
Online learning agreements
We encourage all students and our partner institutions to use an online system for signing learning agreements. Alternatively, you must email the learning agreement as a pdf to
Finally on campus!
You have arrived in Bergen, and just want to get started. Join the Welcome Week and activities for new students!
Welcome Programme
Welcome Programme
Welcome Programme spring 2025
Friday 24 January: Norwegian culture and our strange customs
- 12.15-14.30 at Aud. A
- Fun and informative sessions about Norwegian culture.
- Norwegian Culture Explained with Kari Johanne Oma | NHH.
- Meeting the Locals with Sammen.
- Receive NHH gift and chat with us and fellow students.
Tuesdays in January: International Corner
- 14-15 at Personalkantinen.
- Drop-in for an informal chat with us and fellow students on Tuesdays in January.
We expect you to attend the Welcome Programme as you will get important information about being a student at NHH and in Norway. The student organisations also organise social events which is a great way to get to know your new classmates.
If you are not able to attend all or some of the programme, read our tips under Late arrival.
Welcome to NHH
We host a welcome programme for exchange students at the start of every semester.
In the autumn semester the programme is part of the Welcome Week for all new students in the middle of August, and in the spring semester the programme is held in the beginning of January.
The first days on campus
The first days on campus
Arriving in Bergen
- Travel in Bergen and to NHH
- Moving in | Sammen Housing
- Moving to Bergen | StudyBergen
- Bergen Weather | Yr
Welcome Programme
We highly recommend that you participate in the Welcome Programme to receive essential information for new students. More details above.
First Day on Campus
You can easily find your way around the NHH campus using MazeMap, or be adventurous and ask a fellow student.
If in doubt, you can always ask our friendly staff at the Service Centre.
After arrival checklist - on campus
After arrival checklist - on campus
What you need to do ON CAMPUS in the first weeks of your stay.
1. Complete your Registration at NHH
- If you have not done so already, activate your NHH user account, complete your registration at Studentweb, and register for courses.
- Make sure that you also update your current semester address in Bergen at Studentweb.
- You will find all the information you need on how to register in the GET STARTED ONLINE section above.
2. Access Wifi on Campus
- Connect to the Eduroam network.
- Use your Feide login: your NHH email address in the format and the password you created for your account.
3. Get your Key Chip and printing access
You must have a key chip to access relevant buildings and rooms on campus and to use the printers.
- Pick up your key chip at the IT support desk at the Service Centre.
- Bring your passport/national ID card to get the key chip.
- Access NHH buildings after opening hours with the key chip and your personal PIN (4 digits) sent to you by email in June/December.
- It is possible to change your PIN if needed.
User support for printing on campus
4. Adjust to a new education system
Adjust to a new education system and find out what is expected of you as a student by
- Attending the Welcome programme and course activities
- Asking your lecturers
- Asking at the NHH library
- Using the sources listed below under Academic success at NHH
After arrival checklist - off campus
After arrival checklist - off campus
What you need to do OFF CAMPUS in the first weeks of your stay.
1. Register with the Police
Students staying in Norway for more than three months must register with the relevant autorities shortly after arriving in Norway:
- Nationals from Nordic countries are exempt and do not have to register.
- Registrations for EU/EEA nationals are handled by the police located at the Service Centre for Foreign Workers (SUA).
- Registrations for non-EU/EEA nationals are handled by the local police station (Western Police District in Fyllingsdalen).
EU/EEA nationals in Norway
EU/EEA nationals in Norway
How to register
All EU/EEA students must register online at the UDI Application Portal after you have moved into your room in Bergen and received your Norwegian address.
EU/EEA students staying in Norway for two semesters must also:
- Collect your documents:
- Passport/national ID card (original documents in which gender is stated)
- Your Letter of Acceptance (printed copy)
- European Health Insurance Card or other health insurance documentation (original or printed copy)
- Personal declaration stating that you have sufficient funds to support yourself (printed and signed by you)
- Copy of your tenancy agreement
- Attend the SUA appointment for NHH students:
- Dates: only relevant in the autumn semester. Dates will be updated in May/June.
- Visiting address for SUA is Nonnesetergaten 4 in Bergen (next to the bus station in the city centre).
- If you are not able to attend the appointment for NHH students, you must book a personal appointment as soon as possible.
- Make sure you register online before you visit SUA.
- Receive your Norwegian ID number or D number:
- You may be issued a Norwegian ID number or a D number, depending on your situation.
- The number will be sent to you by post, so make sure your post box has your name on it to avoid delivery issues (the postal service is very strict about this).
Do you have a part time job in Norway?
If you have a part time job in Norway and need a tax deduction card, you can book a personal appointment at SUA online.
You must bring the following documents to SUA:
- Passport/National ID card (original)
- Contract of employment (printed copy)
- Completed 1209 tax card form
How to apply for tax deduction card | Norwegian Tax Administration
- Collect your documents:
Non-EU/EEA nationals - Applied from abroad
Non-EU/EEA nationals - Applied from abroad
How to register
- Attend the appointment for NHH students:
- Date: Monday 10 February 2025
- Time: 9.00 to 14.00
- Visiting address is Krokatjønnveien 15 in Fyllingsdalen (bus no. 4 from NHH in direction city centre).
- Bring to appointment: Your passport and address in Norway.
- Receive your residence card: After the police appointment, the police will send your residence card to NHH. We will notify you by email when you can pick it up at the Service Centre.
- Receive your Norwegian ID number or D number: You may be issued a Norwegian ID number or a D number, depending on your situation. The number will be sent to you by post, so make sure your post box has your name on it to avoid delivery issues (the postal service is very strict about this).
We recommend all non-EU/EEA students to attend the joint NHH appointment for a smoother process and shorter wait.
alternative option
If you are not able to attend the joint appointment:
- Book a personal appointment at the UDI Application Portal: Visiting address is Krokatjønnveien 15 in Fyllingsdalen (bus no. 4 from NHH in direction city centre). Do not book an appointment at SUA, they will not be able to assist.
- Bring to appointment: Your passport and address in Norway.
- Receive your residence card: We recommend that you request the police to send your residence card to NHH. If not, it will be sent to your address in Bergen. Make sure your post box has your name on it to avoid delivery issues (the postal service is very strict about this). After the police appointment, the police will send your residence card to your address in Bergen or to NHH if you ask them. We will notify you by email when you can pick it up at the Service Centre.
- Receive your Norwegian ID number or D number: You may be issued a Norwegian ID number or a D number, depending on your situation. The number will be sent to you by post, so make sure your post box has your name on it to avoid delivery issues (the postal service is very strict about this).
7 day deadline
The decision letter from UDI may state that you need to go to the police within 7 days after arriving in Norway. This does not apply to NHH students.
You must either attend the NHH appointment or book an individual appointment within 7 days after arriving in Norway, but the date for the appointment can be more than 7 days after arrival in Norway.
travelling abroad?
You should not leave Norway or book any trips abroad until you have received your residence card.
- Attend the appointment for NHH students:
Non-EU/EEA nationals - Applying from Norway
Non-EU/EEA nationals - Applying from Norway
How to apply from Norway
- Print UDI's checklist and gather the necessary documents.
- Apply on UDI's Application Portal and pay the application fee.
- Book a personal appointment in the portal at the Bergen South Police Station (Bergen Immigration Office). We urge you to book an appointment as soon as possible.
- Hand in the application and required documents at the police station at Krokatjønnveien 5, 1st floor in Fyllingsdalen (bus no. 4 from NHH in direction city centre).
- Receive your residence card: We recommend that you request the police to send your residence card to NHH. If not, it will be sent to your address in Bergen. Make sure your post box has your name on it to avoid delivery issues (the postal service is very strict about this). After the police appointment, the police will send your residence card to your address in Bergen or to NHH if you ask them. We will notify you by email when you can pick it up at the Service Centre.
- Receive your Norwegian ID number or D number: You may be issued a Norwegian ID number or a D number, depending on your situation. The number will be sent to you by post.
travelling abroad?
You should not leave Norway or book any trips abroad until you have received your residence card.
2. Attend tuberculosis (TB) Test Appointment
Who must be tested: Students from countries with a high occurence of tuberculosis (TB) are required to take a TB test if they are staying longer than three months in Norway. If you are required to take the test, you will be contacted by email by the Infection Control Office in Bergen at the start of the semester.
About the test: The test consists of a chest x-ray and is free of charge. If you have tuberculosis, you will be treated free of charge in Norway.
Important: Your residence card will not be valid until the test has been completed, but the result of the test will not have an impact on your study permit.
Student Services
Student Services
The Service Centre
The NHH Service Centre can help you with:
- Campus guidance
- User support for Studentweb and other digital tools
- Signing confirmations of arrival from the first day of the semester
- Booking an appointment with a student adviser
- Who to ask about other topics, and more
- IT support for students is also located here
Incoming Exchange Team
We can help you with:
- Course registrations
- Learning agreements
- Study permit questions
- Life in Bergen, and more
Meet us in person:
- Welcome Programme: We'll be there providing information and answering questions.
- International Corner: Drop-in for an informal chat with us and fellow students on the first Tuesday every month at 14-15 at Personalkantinen.
- Individual appointments: Book an appointment with a student adviser.
- Drop-ins: On Mondays 9-11.30 and Wednesdays 12-15, if we have available slots. Ask at the Service Centre on the day and they will let you know if we are free.
Or e-mail us at
Late arrival?
Late arrival?
Arriving late for the welcome programme?
If you are not able to attend the whole programme, we encourage you to join as soon as you arrive and participate in all the activities you can. You do not have to notify us, just turn up at the relevant auditorium/ meeting point.
If you are not able to attend the programme at all, make sure you complete the tasks in the After arrival checklists and contact us at if you have any questions.
Some courses may have compulsory activities in August/January. It's important to consider which courses you sign up for and the courses' schedules and exam dates if you arrive late.
Notify sammen
Are you arriving three or more weeks after your tenancy agreement with Sammen Housing begins? You must notify Sammen Housing of your arrival date.
Academic success at NHH
Academic success at NHH
studying in a norwegian context
Gathering information, source citations, study skills, and academic writing are important skills for students everywhere.
Succeed in your NHH courses by being curious and reading up on these general topics at the start of the semester.
Source citations
In Norway the general rule is that you must always cite, refer to and quote in an honest manner to make it clear if you make use of other people's ideas, texts, etc. as a source in your own work. If you don't, this would normally be considered plagiarism.
To make sure you follow the rules, and to help you develop your study skills, we advise you to read more on this topic in the link below.
Study and citation skills and more
Exams and assessments at NHH
Prepare for and follow the guidelines and regulations for exams and other assessments at NHH.
Also, make sure you know your rights as a student at NHH. You can ask for an explanation of your grade or appeal after the results have been published at Studentweb.
Semester dates
Semester dates
Academic year 2024/2025
Autumn semester 2024
- 12 August: Welcome programme starts
- 19 August-8 November: Teaching period
- 1 September: Deadline to register for courses at Studentweb
- 11 November-20 December: Examination period
Spring semester 2025
- 6 January: Welcome programme starts
- 6 January-25 April: Teaching period
- 1 February: Deadline to register for courses at Studentweb
- 12-21 April: Easter holiday in Norway
- 28 April-20 June: Examination period
Academic year 2025/2026
Autumn semester 2025
- 11 August: Welcome programme starts
- 18 August-7 November: Teaching period
- 1 September: Deadline to register for courses at Studentweb
- 10 November-19 December: Examination period
Spring semester 2026
- 5 January: Welcome programme starts
- 5 January-17 April: Teaching period
- 1 February: Deadline to register for courses at Studentweb
- 28 March-6 April: Easter holiday in Norway
- 20 April-12 June: Examination period
End of the semester
End of the semester
Leaving NHH and Bergen
When your exchange semester at NHH is over, there are still some practicalities to take care of:
- Forwarding address: When moving from Norway, you may want to notify the Norway Post (the Norwegian postal services) and leave a forwarding address.
- Transcript of records: Order your transcript of records from NHH at Studentweb.
- IT account and access: Move or forward files, emails, and other data from your NHH user account to your personal digital archive. You will lose access to the IT systems at NHH three months after your right to study expires, normally in the middle of September/March.
- Learning agreement: If you need to get your Learning Agreement signed, please use an online learning agreement (OLA) system. Alternatively, you can email a prefilled pdf version of your learning agreement to
about the nhh Transcript of Records
- NHH does not send transcripts to you or your home university automatically. You have to actively order it when all your exam results are ready.
- You order the transcript at Studentweb, by selecting Orders in the top menu. After 10 minutes your digital transcript will be available under Documents.
- Download the document to your computer as a pdf, and send to your home university as a pdf attachment. The digital signature panel will then be intact and can be verified by your home university.
- The digital signature on the transcript is as valid as a stamp and signature on a paper transcript.
- If you cannot log in at Studentweb, email the NHH Service Centre at to order a transcript.