IT Support

IT Support

Information about and help with NHH's IT services.

IT support for students NHH

  • Username and password

    Username and password


    For all login services, you use the email address associated with your account.

    The student/employee number is used to check what your email address is and to reset your password.

    The format of the student/employee number and email address:


    • Student number: sXXXXXX
    • E-mail address:


    • Employee number: sXXXXX
    • E-mail address:

    Look up your email aDdress


    The same password is applied to all IT services at NHH. New students must create a password. If you have forgotten your password, please change it.

    The password must fulfil the following requirements.

    • contain at least 12 characters.
    • contain both uppercase and lowercase letters.
    • contain at a number or a special character (! # & etc.).
    • can not contain special letters such as æ, ø and å.

    We also recommend the following to ensure proper security:

    • Create an unique password.
    • Create a password that is hard to guess
    • Use a secure password manager to generate and keep your passwords.

    This is an example of a strong password:


    Create/change password

  • Wi-Fi


    Students and employees

    Students and employees at NHH can use the network named, Eduroam. You log on with your student email and the corresponding password.

    Eduroam guide at NHH IT Servicedesk


    For guests, the network NHH/AFF Guest is used. After connecting to the network, you have to create a temporary user. The access lasts for five days and can be renewed by creating a new user.

  • Key chip

    Key chip

    New studentS

    To access the study halls and easily use the printers at school, you need a key chip. This can be picked up at IT user support at the Service Centre during the opening hours Monday-Friday 08.00-15.45 (Summer opening 08.00-15.00 from 15 May to 15 September)


    Outside NHH's opening hours, you must use a PIN code to enter the school's areas. This applies to weekdays before 07.00 and after 17.00, and weekends. The PIN code was sent to you by email when you started at NHH. If you have forgotten it, you can set a new PIN code in Studentweb under “My profile”.

    Lost your key chip?

    If you lose your key chip, you must buy a new one from the Service Centre. This costs NOK 200 and your old chip will be deactivated when you get a new one.

    Note that when you get a new key chip, you will need to reconnect it to your printer account.

    You'll find all information about printing on the Office of IT Services' printer page in SharePoint

  • Student ID

    Student ID

    Get access to your student ID

    NHH uses digital student ID. Download the mobile app Student ID+ and log on with Feide using your username and password.

    For the Student ID+ app to be valid, you must first pay the semester fee, register your courses in StudentWeb and upload your photo. It can take up to 48 hours for the picture to show on the app.

    How to register a picture for your Student ID

    1. Download the mobile app called, Power Apps.
    2. Log in with your student email and password.
    3. Press PhotoBox. If PhotoBox is not visible please thouch the text in the upper left corner and choose All Apps when the drop-down menu comes up.
    4. Follow the instructions provided in the app.
    5. Your picture should be a portrait with your head, neck and shoulder being visble. Make sure to have a neutral background.
    6. Remember to press upload picture after you have chosen a picture.
    7. To change the picture, please take a new one.


    Please ensure that there have been 48 hours since you took the picture. Try to log off and on or take a new picture. If you still face problems, please contact and provide your student number.

    Read more about the Student ID App at provider

Students and employees will find more IT resources on NHH IT Servicedesk in Microsoft 365.

Contact us

+47 55 95 95 57

Opening hours
IT support for students in the Service centre

Monday - Friday
