Learn Norwegian

Learn Norwegian

At NHH, the Department of Professional and Intercultural Communication provides language courses in Norwegian for foreign students and employees. The courses are only open for students and faculty at NHH.

There are three Norwegian courses:

NOR10: Norwegian language I, is the beginners' course and is taught in both the autumn and spring terms. This is an introductory course in the Norwegian language. The students work with texts and oral exercises with vocabulary from everyday life. The goal of the course is for students to acquire a simple and everyday vocabulary, to understand slow speech, to be able to understand simple questions and converse  about everyday life.

NOR11: Norwegian language II, is only taught in the spring term, and is a continuation of NOR10. In this course students continue learning grammar and vocabulary, and also start reading more authentic Norwegian texts. Topics from Norwegian geography, society and history are also covered in this course.

ELE 426: Norwegian III: Norwegian business and society, is a course at master level taught in the autumn term only.

This is a continuation of the two NOR-courses and aims to give foreign students a broader understanding of Norwegian business and society, and provides them with Norwegian language skills, particularly economic-administrative vocabulary.

For more information please contact Kari Johanne Oma at the Department of Professional and Intercultural Communication.