These NHH researchers are paid publication bonuses
14 employees at NHH are paid bonuses, after publication in leading international journals. A top publication results in a cash payment of NOK 120,000.
Before Christmas each year, NHH gives bonus payments to employees, in to promote excellent publication. The biggest bonus goes to researchers who have published in international journals that are both on NHH' s bonus list and the FT's list of journals.
- NOK 120 000 for publications in journals that are on both lists (NHH and FT).
- NOK 80 000 for publications in journals on the NHH list.
- NOK 40 000 for publication in journals that are on the FT list.
Awarded bonus:
Professor Walter Pohl, Department of Finance: Existence of the Wealth-Consumption Ratio in Asset Pricing Models with Recursive Preferences (with Karl Schedders and Ole Wilms). The Review of financial studies (on NHH and FT list)
Forsker Markus Lithell and professor II B. Espen Eckbo, Department of Finance. Merger-Driven Listing Dynamics. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, (on NHH and FT list)
Assistant Professor Maximilian Rohrer, Department of Finance.
- The colour of finance words (with Diego Garcia, Xiaowen Hu). Journal of Financial Economics (on NHH and FT list)
- Inefficient Regulation: Mortgages versus Total Credit (with Artashes Karapetyan, Jens Sørlie Kværner.) Review of Finance (on FT list)
Alexander W. Cappelen og Bertil Tungodden, Department of Economics. Second-Best Fairness: The Trade-off between False Positives and False Negatives (with Cornelius Cappelen). American Economic Review (on NHH and FT list)
Professor Kjell G. Salvanes, Department of Economics. Competition and Career Advancement (with Julian Johnsen og Hyejin Ku). Review of Economic Studies (on NHH and FT list)

Førsteamanuensis Ingar K. Haaland, Department of Economics.
- Justifying Dissent (with Leonardo Bursztyn, Georgy Egorov, Aakaash Rao, Christopher Roth). The Quarterly Journal of Economics (on NHH and FT list)
- Beliefs about Racial Discrimination and Support for Pro-Black Policies (with Christopher Rot). The Review of Economics and Statistics (on NHH list)
Assistant Professor Andreas Haller, Department of Economics. Designing Disability Insurance Reforms: Tightening Eligibility Rules or Reducing Benefits? (with Stefan Staubli and Josef Zweimüller) Econometrica (on NHH and FT list)
Professor II Peter G. Klein and Professor Lasse B. Lien, Department of Strategy and Management. Ownership competence: The enabling and constraining role of institutions (with Thomas Zellweger and Todd Zenger). Strategic Management Journal (on NHH and FT list)
Professor Inger G. Stensaker, Department of Strategy and Management. Organizational identity work in MNE subsidiaries: Managing dual embeddedness (with Helene Loe Colman og Birgitte Grøgaard). Journal of International Business Studies (on NHH and FT list)
Advisor Viktor O. Nilsson, Section for research administration. What Can We Know about the Effectiveness of Coaching? A Meta-Analysis Based Only on Randomized Controlled Trials (with Erik de Haan). Academy of Management Learning & Education (on NHH list)
Assistant Professor Paul Pelzl, Department of Business and Management Science. Capital Regulations and the Management of Credit Commitments during Crisis Times (with María Teresa Valderrama). Review of Finance (on FT list)