Challenge Activities

Challenge Activities

Activities within the Challenge project, and other related projects at NHH.

Meet Each Other

In a series of workshops, CHALLENGE will create a network for women within NHH. This network will benefit from professional coaching on how to meet the challenges of climbing the career ladder.

Meet the Mentors

CHALLENGE will create mixed gender mentorship groups, where members will have the possibility to discuss their career development in terms of research and citizenship with mentors. This will increase the awareness and visibility of gender challenges within NHH.

Meet the Business

CHALLENGE will also focus on tightening the links between women in academia and business, so that academia can learn from the private sector’s challenges and solutions in terms of strategic career concerns and decisions for women.

Other Projects


ROOTS will invest in mentoring female PhD students who are at the root of the gender imbalance in academia.

In 2019 34% of the PhD positions and 30% of the postdoctoral positions were filled by women, both indicators are well below the 40% minimum objective set by the school. 

Further up the career ladder the leaky pipeline effect is evident as there is a steady drop of female representation, with only 21% of the professors at NHH being women.

To address this leaky pipeline we want to propose a series of measures that would tighten the connection between female faculty at different levels, while providing to female PhD students positive role models of women in academia.


The Women in Economics Network (WomEN) is a platform for interactions among female economists with the aim to and promote gender balance in academic leadership positions.