Ivan Belik


Ivan Belik is an Associate Professor in Business Analytics at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH). His research primarily focuses on business analytics, emphasizing interdisciplinary approaches and practical applications. Ivan has actively contributed to various research projects in strategic management, information systems, marketing, auditing, and management science. His cross-disciplinary research aims to develop a comprehensive analytical framework that distills the essence of business analytics, making it accessible to students, academics, and practitioners. In addition to his research, Ivan teaches various courses in business analytics and is involved in developing study programs for a Business Analytics M.Sc. profile and executive MBA programs. Beyond his academic pursuits, Ivan has extensive experience as an industry consultant.

Selected publications

Author(s) Title Publisher
Belik, Ivan; Bhattacharya, Prasanta; Knudsen, Eirik Sjåholm A case for simulated data and simulation-based models in organizational network research Research Policy Volume 53 (8); 2024
Bielmann, Louis; Neufeld, Derrick; Belik, Ivan Did AI or Poor Design Nearly Crash Lou’s Airliner? Ivey Business Journal Volume January/February; 2024
Belik, Ivan Measuring group leadership in networks based on Shapley value Social Network Analysis and Mining Volume 13; 2023
Knudsen, Eirik Sjåholm; Belik, Ivan The Achilles heel of interconnected user networks: Network firms and the vulnerability of rapid decline Technological Forecasting and Social Change Volume 195; 2023
Belik, Ivan; Knudsen, Eirik Sjåholm Link on, Link off: Data-driven management of organizational networks for ambidexterity Journal of Business Research Volume 157; 2023
Belik, Ivan Which Centralities Fit the Best? Network Centralities’ Ranking Based on the F-Measure Cybernetics and systems Volume 54 (4); page 454 - 473; 2022
Belik, Ivan; Neufeld, Derrick Why isn’t AI delivering? LSE Business Review; 2022
Sharafuddin, Sepanta; Belik, Ivan The evolution of data analytics through the lens of business cases Online information review (Print) Volume 46 (6); 2022
Kvamsdal, Sturla Furunes; Belik, Ivan; Hopland, Arnt Ove; Li, Yuanhao A Machine Learning Analysis of the Recent Environmental and Resource Economics Literature Environmental and Resource Economics Volume 79; page 93 - 115; 2021
Knudsen, Eirik Sjåholm; Lien, Lasse B.; Timmermans, Bram; Belik, Ivan; Pandey, Sujit Stability in turbulent times? The effect of digitalization on the sustainability of competitive advantage Journal of Business Research Volume 128; page 360 - 369; 2021
Utochkin, Denis; Belik, Ivan Analyzing eWOM on Large Social Media Platforms Advances in Consumer Research Volume 49; page 443 - 444; 2021
Belik, Ivan Triggers of Social Network Collapse Information systems management Volume 37 (2); page 170 - 182; 2020
Belik, Ivan; Jørnsten, Kurt Critical objective function values in linear sum assignment problems Journal of combinatorial optimization Volume 35 (3); page 842 - 852; 2017
Belik, Ivan; Jørnsten, Kurt The method of leader's overthrow in networks based on shapley value Socio-Economic Planning Sciences Volume 56; page 55 - 66; 2016
Belik, Ivan; Jørnsten, Kurt A new Semi-Lagrangean Relaxation for the k-cardinality assignment problem Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences Volume 37 (1); page 75 - 100; 2016
More publications in Cristin
  • Time Series Analysis and Prediction
  • Analysis and Linear Algebra
  • Differential Equations with Stability Analysis of Dynamical Systems
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Applied Programming and Data Analysis for Business
  • Digital Auditing
  • Applied Analytics in Strategy and Management
