Job Market Candidates 2023
The Department of Economics proudly presents the following job market candidates available for employment.
Samuel nathan dodini
Fields of interest: Labour Economics, Public Economics, Labour Market Institutions
Job Market Paper: How do Firms Respond to Unions?
Personal Website
Monica beeder
Fields of interest: Development Economics, Economics of Conflict, Economics of Crime
Job Market Paper: Throwing Gasolene on the Cocaine Production: The Effect of a Supply Shock on Violence
Supervisor: Kjetil Bjorvatn Personal Website
Alina ozhegova
Fields of interest: Empirical Industrial Organisation, Structural Econometrics, Spatial Econometrics
Job Market Paper: Assortment Choice and Market Power under Uniform Pricing
Supervisors: Morten Sæthre Mateusz Mysliwski Personal Website
akshay arun moorthy
Fields of interest: Behavioural Economics, Development Economics
Job Market Paper: Do We Learn From Those People? Beliefs, Preferences, and Identity in Social Learning
Supervisor: Bertil Tungodden Personal Website
eirik Berger abel
Fields of interest: Labour Economics, Economic History
Job Market Paper: Living the American Dream: How Norway Became a High-Mobility Country
Supervisor: Kjell Gunnar Salvanes Personal Website