Finance Innovations in Insurance

FIE462 Finance Innovations in Insurance

Høst 2024

Vår 2025
  • Topics

    The course is based on cases from the insurance industry. Each case will typically be introduced by a representative from an insurance company/industry, before it is covered in class. All cases represent situations where knowledge from finance is required, in addition to insurance. Common for insurance and finance are assessment, pricing and sharing of risk. Financial risk can sometimes be traded in financial markets. Although, insurance risk also is traded, it is usually not traded in markets in the same way as financial risk.

    As an introduction, the course starts with an overview over finance products with insurance elements (e.g, options, CDOs) and insurance products with finance elements .(e.g., life insurance and pensions). After that, stylised financial balances of insurance companies are analysed to understand basic risk mechanisms of insurance. The major part of the course consists of cases.

    Examples of cases:

    • Insurance regulation (Solvency II, IFRS 17, IORP II).
    • Climate risk.
    • Interest rate guarantees.
    • Directors’ and officers’ liability insurance.
    • Reverse mortgages.

    All cases represent recent challenges for the insurance industry and requires knowledge about finance as well as insurance. This course is suitable for students who are interested in risk, finance and insurance.

  • Learning outcome

    After successfully completing the course, the candidate:


    • Has detailed knowledge about current challenges in the insurance industry.
    • Can understand basic credit risk models such as the Merton model.
    • Can explain financial theories.


    • Can apply financial theory and modelling techniques to problems particular to the insurance industry.
    • Can use models to estimate credit spreads.

    General competence

    • Can communicate and discuss challenges faced by the insurance industry with a professional audience.
    • Can understand how risk influences the cost of capital.

  • Teaching

    Lectures organised by cases.

    Guest-lectures motivates the cases.

    The course is taught by lectures 2x45 minutes, twice a week.

  • Recommended prerequisites

    The course is intended for students with interest in insurance and basic knowledge in finance,

    No restrictions to specific courses, but this course may supplement other insurance courses (e.g., ECO440 Economics of Uncertainty and Insurance and FIE 461 Risk and insurance).

  • Compulsory Activity

    One group assignment.

  • Assessment

    Individual 4 hour take home exam.

  • Grading Scale


  • Computer tools

    Excel sheets are used extensively.

    Some examples may be illustrated with the use of routines from a programming language.

  • Literature

    Briys, de Varenne, 2001, Insurance: From Underwriting to Derivatives: Asset LiabilityManagement in Insurance Companies, John Wiley.

    Eechoudt, Gollier, Schlesinger, 2005, Economic and Financial Decisions under Risk, Princeton University Press.

    Lin, Officer, Zou. 2011, Directors’ and officers’ liability insurance and acquisition outcomes.Journal of Financial Economics 102:507-525.

    Miltersen, Persson, 1999, Pricing rate of return guarantees in a Heath-Jarrow-Mortonframework, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics.

    Nordahl, 2015, Hvorfor kjøper bedrifter forsikring?, Magma.

    (revised reading list will be available when the course starts)

  • Permitted Support Material

    No restrictions.



Spring. Offered spring 2024.

Course responsible

Professor Svein-Arne Persson, Department of Finance, NHH.