New Business Development (minor)

Technological advancements and globalisation challenge organisations, industries and national economies needs to be on constant alert to explore, develop and exploit new business opportunities.


NBD will only be available as a minor for new students from the autumn semester of 2021.

This requires an understanding of processes in innovation and entrepreneurship in all stages of new business development.

A minor in New Business Development will educate future managers and entrepreneurs who can address these challenges by providing the innovative products and services consumers want, the jobs people need, and the economic growth required to support the society.

This allows them to assist small businesses to become medium sized business, and medium sized businesses to become large.

  • Subject area

    Subject area

    The New Business Development programme draws on the expertise of NHH on commercialization, finance, financial management, international business, strategy, human resources, and economics.

    These competences are needed, and often lacking, in growth-oriented new business development initiatives. Thus, the subject area is highly interdisciplinary, but covers the following overarching themes:

    • The dynamics of innovation and entrepreneurship in start-ups and established corporations.
    • The identification, conceptualization and implementation of new business opportunities.
    • Managing and scaling up of these new business opportunities.
  • Learning outcome

    Learning outcome


    The candidate:

    K1: has academic knowledge to understand the complex processes and dynamics of new business development.

    K2: has research-based knowledge on challenges associated with mobilising resources, scaling up and growth of ventures.

    K3: has research-based knowledge to reflect critically on theories and research on new business development.


    The candidate:

    S1: can carry out an independent, limited research or new business development project under supervision.

    S2: can apply existing theories, methods and interpretations to specify new business development projects.

    S3: can assess the commercial and sustainable viability of new business opportunities.

    General competence 

    The candidate:

    G1: can contribute to new thinking and innovation processes by communicating new business ideas and projects to different audiences.

    G2: can mobilise resources for new business development projects.

    G3: can collaborate and co-create in collaborative teams partnerships.

  • Career


    As an NHH graduate you have numerous career possibilities.