Stein W. Wallace is one of the winners of the Cross-region Collaborative Grant

By Julio Cesar Goez

30 March 2017 00:00

(updated: 30 March 2017 13:51)

Stein W. Wallace is one of the winners of the Cross-region Collaborative Grant

These grants are awarded by the INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society as an effort to generate more collaboration across the four TSL regions (North America, Central and South America, Europe and Africa, and Asia, Australia and New Zealand) and with VeRoLog, which sponsored half of the Collaborative Grant.

This year winners of the Cross-region Collaborative Grant ($2000 TSL/$2000 VeRoLog): “Dynamic Vehicle Routing: Multiple Scenario Planning in the Context of Stochastic Programming” - Yongjia Song, Marlin W. Ulmer, Barrett W. Thomas, and Stein W. Wallace.

This submission proposes a new collaboration between two junior and two senior researchers who have all been active TSL members, with two of the researchers members of both VeRoLog and TSL. As one panelist noted, the proposal promises to provide a “more in-depth understanding on the multiple scenario planning approach in dynamic VRP” and that the “stochastic programming perspective on the contradictions between the ‘observations’ from two streams of literature is interesting (and important) to our society.” Also, “the research team composed of two senior and two young and promising researchers from both fields of dynamic VRP and stochastic programming, reflect a good mixture of expertise in tackling the proposed topic.” This proposal was truly in the spirit of the grant in generating promising collaborative research across multiple boundaries.