

Publications from DigAudit faculty members.


Authors Title Publication

Benjamin Paul Commerford, Aasmund Eilifsen, Richard Hatfield, Kathryn M. Holmstrom and Finn Kinserdal

Control Issues: How Providing Input Affects Auditors’ Reliance on Artificial Intelligence.

Contemporary Accounting Research, 2024, Forthcoming

Dennis van Liempd, Jochen C. Theis and Steve Sutton

The Risk of Technology Dominance in Using Digital Decision Aids in Assurance Engagements - Evidence from a Survey among Danish Auditors.

Accounting Horizons, 2024, Early Online

Patricia Navarro and Steve Sutton

Leveraging Emerging Cybersecurity Reporting Regulations: The Effect of Industry Driven Expectations for Voluntary Assurance.

Accounting Horizons, 2024, Early Online

Habib Mahama, Mohamed Elbashir, Steve Sutton, Vicky Arnold

Enabling enterprise risk management maturity in public sector organizations.

Public Money & Management, 42:6, 403-407, 2022

Mohamed Z. Bashir, Steve Sutton, Vicky Arnold and Philip A. Collier

Leveraging business intelligence systems to enhance management control and business process performance in the public sector.

Meditari Accountancy Research, Vol. 30 No. 4, 2022, pp. 914-940

Clark Hampton, Steve Sutton, Vicky Arnold, and Deepak Khazanchi

Cyber Supply Chain Risk Management: Toward an Understanding of the Antecendents to Demand for Assurance.

Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 35, No. 2, 2021

Jared Koreff, Martin Weisner, and Steve Sutton

Data analytics (ab) use in healthcare fraud audits.

International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 2021

Thomas E. McKee, Larry Cheng and Helen Li

How Can Audit Data Analytics Generate Value for Organizations? 

Hong Kong CPA magazine A Plus, 2021

Aasmund Eilifsen and Finn Kinserdal

Digitalisering i revisjonsbransjen

Revisjon og regnskap, 2021 (4)

Aasmund Eilifsen, Finn Kinserdal, William F. Messier Jr. and Thomas E. McKee

Accounting Horizons, December 2020

Kyrre Kjellevold

Når ordvalgene avslører skjulte hensikter og markedstrender

Revisjon og regnskap, 2020 (8)

Kyrre Kjellevold

Når maskinene avslører at ledelsen lyver

Revisjon og regnskap, 2020 (6)

Thomas E. McKee

Analyzing An Audit Population Via Either Excel Pivot Tables and/or R Language Cluster Analysis

Habib Mahama, Mohamed Elbashir, Steve G. Sutton and Vicky Arnold

New development: Enabling enterprise risk management maturity in public sector organizations

Public Money & Management, Online 05.06.2020

Patricia Navarro, Sean W. G. Robb, Steve G. Sutton and Martin M. Weisner

The cost stickiness of information technology material weaknesses: An intertemporal comparison between it-related and other material weaknesses

International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Volume 37, June 2020, 100454

Mohamed Z. Elbashir, Steve G. Sutton, Habib Mahama and Vicky Arnold

Unravelling the integrated information systems and management control paradox: enhancing dynamic capability through business intelligence

Accounting & Finance, Online 11.05.2020

Jeff Reinking, Vicky Arnold and Steve G. Sutton

Synthesizing enterprise data to strategically align performance: The intentionality of strategy surrogation

International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Volume 36, March 2020, 100444

Dan-Richard Knudsen

Elusive boundaries, power relations, and knowledge production: A systematic review of the literature on digitalization in accounting

International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Volume 36, March 2020, 100441

Kyrre Kjellevold

Når big data setter ledelsen i sjakk

Revisjon og Regnskap 2019 (8)

Aasmund Eilifsen, Natalia Kochetova and William F. Messier Jr.

Mitigating the Dilution Effect in Auditors´ Judgements Using a Frequency Response Mode

Behavioral Research in Accounting, Vol. 31, No. 2, Fall 2019, pp. 51-71

Steve G. Sutton, Vicky Arnold and Matthew Holt

How Much Automation Is Too Much? Keeping The Human Relevant in Knowledge Work

Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Vol. 15, No. 2, Fall 2018, pp 15-25

Magnus Johannesen and Marie Dahl Slaastad

Innovation In a Highly Regulated Industry "Do Regulations Inhibit the Digital Transformation of the Audit Process?" A View on the Regulation of Digital Auditing.

Norwegian School of Economics, Master Thesis, 2018

Kyrre Kjellevold

Effekten av selskapers og ledelsens bruk av Twitter. 

Revisjon og Regnskap 2018 (7)

Aasmund Eilifsen

Digital Audit Popular Science Presentation 

The Research Council of Norway

Finn Kinserdal

Digitalisering i revisjonsbransjen; NHH-samarbeid med de fem store.

Revisjon og Regnskap, 2018 (1)

Finn Kinserdal

NHH skal forske på digitalisering av revisorbransjen

Magma 2017 (spesialnummer)

Aasmund Eilifsen og Finn Kinserdal

Digital revisjon; nytt kurs på NHH

Revisjon og Regnskap, 2017 (8)