Private labels vs national brands
Chair of Brandinnova, Professor Magne Supphellen, gave a talk on the competition between private labels and national brands in the food and grocery industries this week in Oslo at the annual FOOD conference.
Chair of Brandinnova, Professor Magne Supphellen, gave a talk on the competition between private labels and national brands in the food and grocery industries this week in Oslo at the annual FOOD conference.
The National Export Advisory Board recommends that national export industries on ready-made products cooperate with Brandinnova in the effort to increase international branding effectiveness and stimulate value creation. The board presents several interesting measures to increase exports. See the report here.
Today the Minister of Trade & Industry, Mr. Vestre, launched the new Made-in-Norway label. Brandinnova has been an academic partner and advisor in the development of the new label and the strategy for implementation.
Traditional marketing literature directs brand managers to highlight the attractive and distinguishing attributes of their brands, the points-of-differentiation. However, a recent study suggests that brand managers should first assure that the brand is not perceived as poorer than the competition on any important attributes (Park and Chang 2022).
Det nye «verdenshavsenteret» i Bergen har fått det merkelige navnet «O». Reaksjonene er mange og debatten heftig, men et viktig poeng mangler: Det finnes faktisk forskningsbaserte kriterier for valg av merkenavn. Hadde disse blitt brukt, ville vi unngått navn som "O", "Kode" og "VY". Det er på høy tid at styrene i norske virksomheter tar den forskningsbaserte kunnskapen på alvor.
Customer-based brand equity theory, the dominant theory of branding, holds that unique associations are the main source of brand differentiation. However, a myopic focus on unique associations may have adverse effects on important brand variables.
Digitale flater gir utvidede rammer for moderne merkevarebygging. I tillegg kommer utfordringer knyttet til bærekraft: hvordan kan vi integrere bærekraft i merkevaren? Bli med på webinar fredag 28.05 med Magne Supphellen, professor NHH og Linn-Therese Vigsø-Holsen, leder merkevare Sbanken.
– For å lykkes med merkevarebygging er det en klar fordel om den er erfaringsbasert. Håpet er at Brandinnova skal bli et faglig fellesskap for selskap som er interessert i merkevare, sier kreativ direktør i Equinor, Henrik Øinæs Habberstad.
Doctoral student Mohammad Zarei has reviewed international research on the effects of servant leadership. He suggests that firms with marketing managers that adopt a servant leadership style may develop a competitive advantage.
Innovation Norways online seminar «Digital lunsjpause: Verdien av merkevarebygging» with professor Magne Supphellen from Brandinnova.
Marketers strive to create cool brands, but the literature does not offer a blueprint for what “brand coolness” means or what features characterize cool brands.
Dersom bærekraft skal bli en del av merkevaren, må bærekraften integreres i merkeposisjoneringen, som er målbildet for merkevaren.
Studie viser at kunder forventer at enkelte «grønne» produkter er mindre effektive. Spørsmålet er om koronakrisen forsterker at bærekraftige alternativer velges bort, sier NHH-forsker.