Top behavioral economics at NHH
New European research in behavioral economics. Four highly interesting keynote speakers: The three-day ESA conference at NHH is underway.

The behavioral economists at NHH, The Choice Lab, are hosting the conference, which is organized every year by members of the Economic Science Association (ESA), a professional organization for scientists who use experiments in the study of economic behavior.

Wide field
– Now we have finally begun, and it feels good. It is fantastic to work with some of the world's best in behavioral economics, says Professor Bertil Tungodden. He is head of ESA conference program committee.
Tungodden and the committee are very happy for having four high profiled keynote speakers (see below), among them Matthew Rabin, a professor of behavioral economics at Harvard, at the conference. A future Nobel Memorial Prize Winners in Economic Science, according to Tungodden and several other experts in behavioral economics.
Thursday was first conference day, with thematic sessions like:
- Trust
- Market & Information
- Finance
- Dishonesty
- Neuroeconomics & Self-control
- Gender
Professor Muriel Niederle at the Department of Economics at Stanford University was invited to hold one of the keynotes at ESA. She is a leading researcher in behavioral economics.

- And I totally love your article Do women shy away from competition? Do but men compete too much ?, said Tungodden in his introduction to Niederle.
All welcome to ESA
The conference is a good illustration of what is happening among European behavioral economists.
- The presentations at ESA are representative of new research in this field. Most of the active behavioral economists in Europe are visiting Bergen these days. In addition, we have invited some top researchers from the United States.

If people want to know what's going on, Tungodden says, they should drop by, says Tungodden.
- Behavioral economics is no longer an emerging field of research, but fully established at universities and business schools?

- It has been an academically strong research area that will continue to grow and become even more integrated into other disciplines. Today it has almost become a full-fledged part of economic research, with our methodology and way of thinking.
Many of Choice Lab-researches will present at ESA. Besides several of the group's PhD students, both Tungodden, Alexander W. Cappelen and Kjetil Bjorvatn will share their latest research achievements.

Finance Professor Karin Thorburn and Associate Professor Trond Døskeland (Department of Business and Management Science) are two other NHH researchers attending the ESA Conference presenting their studies.