The role of consumer identity in access-based consumption
On 15 May 2024 Katrine Berg Nødtvedt will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend her thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.

The general topic of the PhD thesis is the role of consumer identity in access-based consumption.
Research shows that people prefer products that are associated with their identity. However, most of this research has only looked at product ownership. This thesis includes three articles that investigate whether and when identity affects choices when people use access-based consumption, such as renting or sharing.
The first article focuses on how group identity can result in discrimination in the sharing economy. Results from three experiments showed that when an identical Airbnb apartment is presented with a racial minority host, people report more negative attitudes and intentions towards it, and are less likely to choose the apartment over a standard hotel room.
In the second article Nødtvedt investigates whether people who identify strongly with a product domain such as fashion, are more or less likely to want to own (vs. rent) products in that domain. Findings from five studies indicate that strongly fashion-identified consumers prefer to buy (vs. rent) clothes for a formal event, but the relationship is weak and can be affected by e.g. the number of consumption events.

Article three investigates how others perceive users of sharing services. Results from a large experiment showed that car-sharing users were only perceived as more trustworthy when their motive for sharing was pro-environmental.
In conclusion, this thesis contributes to social psychology and consumer research literatures with new evidence showing the effects of social and personal identity in access-based consumption.
Prescribed topic for the trial lecture:
A comparison of individual differences as predictors of pro-environmental behavior, including but not limited to personality and demographics
Trial lecture:
Aud. M, NHH, 10:15
Title of the thesis:
«The role of identity in access-based consumption»
Aud. M, NHH, 12:15
Members of the evaluation committee:
Professor Therese Egeland (leader of the committee), Department of Strategy and Management, NHH
Professor Jonas R. Kunst, UiO
Assistant Professor Cameron Brick, University of Amsterdam
Professor Helge Thorbjørnsen (main supervisor), Department of Strategy and Management, NHH
Professor Hallgeir Sjåstad, Department of Strategy and Management, NHH
The trial lecture and thesis defense will be open to the public.

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