Discussed tax transparency initiatives
Currently, tax transparency ranks high on governments’ agenda as being one of the key policy tools to reduce tax avoidance and evasion. This week NHH and SNF arranged a conference on tax transparency.
This week Assistant Professor Elisa Casi-Eberhard, Department of Business and Management Science and Norwegian Centre for Taxation organized 1st Conference on Tax Transparency, in a collaboration with Centre for applied research (SNF) at NHH.

`The aim of this conference is to bring together speakers from academia, industry, and government to understand the benefits and limits of existing tax transparency initiatives and how a company discussion around its approach to tax relates to overall ESG disclosure`, Elisa Casi-Eberhard says.
Moreover, tax is becoming a core component of a company’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) agenda as the payment of taxes is a powerful indicator of the financial impact a company has on society.
Casi-Eberhard is one of the assistant professors at the research centre NoCeT, known for its high-quality research on of taxation and public finance.

The centre, headed by Professor Guttorm Schjelderup is located at NHH - Norwegian School of Economics and is co-funded by the Research Council of Norway and the Norwegian Tax Authority. The latter also assists the centre with access to data for tax research.