Does Failure Make Victory Seem Sweeter?

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We’ve all encountered failure. Perhaps, it’s blowing a job interview, failing a final exam, or getting rejected from your dream school. Whether we like it or not, failure is part of life, Hallgeir Sjåstad writes in Scientific American. Photo: pxhere
Opinion Piece

1 December 2020 15:08

Does Failure Make Victory Seem Sweeter?

Associate Professor Hallgeir Sjåstad investigates the “sour-grape effect”

Today, Scientific American has published Hallgeir Sjåstad´s article, based on a study conducted in collaboration with his co-authors, Roy Baumeister (University of Queensland) and Michael Ent (Towson University).

In Scientific American Hallgeir Sjåstad writes: 

"We’ve all encountered failure. Perhaps, it’s blowing a job interview, failing a final exam, or getting rejected from your dream school. Whether we like it or not, failure is part of life. But eventually, we’re told, overcoming difficult obstacles will make a future success taste so much sweeter. New research, however, may challenge this maxim. In expectation, at least, initial failure can lead people to underestimate how good it would feel to succeed". 

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Does Failure Make Victory Seem Sweeter?