Action against harassment

Action against harassment

It is NHH’s aim to ensure that students and staff are not harassed in any way in their study and working environment. Below you will find information about what harassment is and who to contact if you have been the victim of harassment.

What is harassment?

Attention becomes harassment when:

  • it is unwelcome
  • it is bothersome
  • it persists after the recipient has expressed their discontent
  • it has negative consequences of a physical, psychological or study-related nature

Other factors that play a part:

  • The seriousness of the action
  • The time and place of the action
  • Whether it has persisted over time
  • Dependencies and power relations between the harasser and the person being harassed

Examples of behaviour that may constitute harassment:

  • patronising behaviour
  • unnecessary physical contact / touching and groping
  • personal comments about the recipient’s body, clothes or private life
  • sexual advances, suggestions and insinuations, sex pressure

As a student, you are also responsible for your fellow students’ well-being. Be conscious of your own actions and statements. Help others who are harassed to speak out and say that unwelcome attention is not acceptable.

What do you do if you are harassed?

Speak out. Confront the person! 

You can contact  or Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Stig Tenold

Read more about reporting of violations of laws or ethical standards at NHH

NHH supports Never OK (Aldri OK), a student-driven campaign against harassment.

Goal statement:

Everyone has the right to live, study and work in a safe and inclusive environment. Nobody should experience harassment or any form of abuse. We want a safe campus and a safe city.

Never OK aims to:

  • Promote a culture of zero tolerance for sexual harassment, violence or discrimination
  • Facilitate open and honest debate on the topic and provide clear guidelines, training and support for everyone
  • Support and create commitment in cooperation with student organisations on campus to challenge negative behaviour and promote a safe culture for everyone

We have zero tolerance for:

  • Sexual abuse and harassment: unwelcome verbal, written or physical sexual advances without consent
  • Discrimination: physical or verbal abuse of persons or property based on the victims’ ethnicity, religion, nationality, age, gender, sexual orientation or disability
  • Harassment and bullying: all unwanted behaviour that makes anyone feel afraid, oppressed, humiliated or offended

Zero tolerance

We have an obligation to provide a safe environment for all students, staff and visitors. We promise to thoroughly investigate all reports of inappropriate behaviour and conduct. NHH will implement recommendations and/or measures in line with guidelines relating to sexual harassment, employment contracts, equality and diversity policy.