PhD Workshop in Economics


The PhD Workshop is organized every semester. The workshop provides an informal forum to present research papers and discuss with junior and senior researchers from various fields. We hope that many of the PhD students and the staff will attend the seminar and contribute to the PhD workshop. We will approach colleagues to act as discussants.

Lunch is served.

Call for papers!

All PhD students are invited to submit a paper by May 15th 2018. Submissions can be preliminary papers and long abstracts. Please submit the title of your paper together with the long abstract, or paper. In addition, list two discussants as suggestions, one PhD student and one member of staff at NHH for UiB students and UiB for NHH students. The presenter gets 20 minutes and discussants each get 10 minutes to discuss. The program will be sent out on May 25th 2018. Presenters are then expected to send the paper to the assigned discussants.  Note that the discussants should receive the paper, not the presentation.

Deadline for Submissions: Tuesday May 15th 2018

Please make your submission to the organizers:

Rita Ginja (UBergen),

Patrick Bennett (NHH),

Centre for Experimental Research on Fairness, Inequality and Rationality (FAIR) is a unique platform for collaboration between the Centre for Empirical Labour Economics and The Choice Lab.

FAIR collaborates with internationally leading researchers from different social sciences and philosophy, including Nobel Laureate James Heckman, John Bates Clark medal winner Matthew Rabin, and ERC Advanced Grant recipients Armin Falk, Ernst Fehr, and Kenneth Hugdahl. A number of the outstanding scholars have positions at FAIR and are strongly committed to take an active part in the research activities at FAIR. FAIR has a number of outstanding institutional partners on the different projects.

All activities at FAIR