Bendik Bygstad

Adjunct Professor Bendik Bygstad

+47 55 95 98 03
Strategy and Management
Strategy Strategic Change and Organisational Transformation

Selected publications

Author(s) Title Publisher
Kjekshus, Lars Erik; Bygstad, Bendik Competing institutional logics in healthcare organizations: theorising digitalism Journal of Health Organisation and Management; 2024
Bygstad, Bendik; Iden, Jon Digital management in the public sector - a framework Electronic Government, an International Journal Volume 20 (4); page 442 - 458; 2024
Iden, Jon; Bygstad, Bendik Sociotechnical micro-foundations for digital transformation European Journal of Information Systems (0 pages); 2024
Bojer, Casper Solheim; Bygstad, Bendik; Øvrelid, Egil Speeding up Explorative BPM with Lightweight IT: the Case of Machine Learning Information Systems Frontiers; page 1 - 18; 2024
More publications in Cristin

Strategic Change and Organisational Transformation

Qualitative Research