

Brandinnova researchers are involved in a broad range of brand-related projects and contribute regularly to the international frontier of branding research. We also publish in applied journals and magazines in order to spread important findings to a broader group of marketing practitioners. Below are lists of recent published work and ongoing projects.



OUR Research areas

  • Branding of innovations and start-ups
  • Branding and consumer psychology
  • Branding and sustainability
  • Strategic brand management & leadership
  • Generic branding and labeling
  • Branding and the new value chains
  • International and origin branding
  • Brand research methods


BRANDINNOVA - Recent publications (2019 - 2023)

Authors Title Publication

Zarei, Mohammad; Supphellen, Magne; Bagozzi, Richard P.

Research streams, gaps and opportunities in servant leadership research

Leadership & Organization Development Journal; 2023

Jakubanecs, A.; Supphellen, M.; Helgeson, J. G.; Haugen, H. M.; Sivertstøl, N.

The impact of cultural variability on brand stereotype, emotion and purchase intention

Journal of Consumer Marketing40(1), 112-123; 2023

Bagozzi, R. P.; Khoshnevis, M.

How and when brand coolness transforms product quality judgments into positive word of mouth and intentions to buy/use

Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice31(4), 383-402, 2023

Foroudi, P.; Marvi, R.; Cuomo, M. T.; Bagozzi, R.; Dennis, C.; Jannelli, R.

Consumer perceptions of sustainable development goals: conceptualization, measurement and contingent effects

British Journal of Management34(3), 1157-1183, 2023

Lourenço, C. J.; Isabella, G.; Verbeke, W.; Vo, K.; Dimoka, A.; Bagozzi, R. P.

How songs from growing up and viewers' attachment styles affect video ads' effectiveness

Psychology & Marketing, 40(1), 209-233, 2023

Zarei, Mohammed; Supphellen, Magne; Bagozzi, Richard P.

Servant leadership in marketing: A critical review and a model of creativity-effects

Journal of Business Research; 2022

Hem, Alexander; Supphellen, Magne.

Developing and testing a typology of brand benefit differentiation

Journal of Product & Brand Management; 2021

Supphellen, Magne.

Hvorfor og hvordan integrere bærekraft i merkeposisjoneringen

Magma; 10/2020

Le, Nhat Quang; Supphellen, Magne; Bagozzi, Richard P.

Effects of negative social information on the willingness to support charities: the moderating role of regulatory focus

Marketing letters (12 pages); 2020

Supphellen, Magne.

Hvordan bygge sterke merkevarer med norsk identitet i dagligvarehandelen?

Mot bedre vitende i norsk matsektor; page 193 - 214; 2020

Hem, Leif E.; Iversen, Nina M.

Merkelogoen som virkemiddel for å utvikle sterke merker

Magma; 6/2020

 Jacobsen, Jens Kr. Steen; Iversen, Nina M.; Hem, Leif E.

Hotspot crowding and over-tourism: Antecedents of destination attractiveness

Annals of Tourism Research; Volume 76, Pages 53-66, May 2019

Oklevik, Ove; Supphellen, Magne; Mæhle, Natalia.

Time to retire the concept of brand personality? Extending the critique and introducing a new framework

Journal of Consumer Behaviour 2019 s. 1-8

Jakubanecs, Aleksandrs; Supphellen, Magne; Fedorikhin, Alexander; Haugen, Hege Mathea; Sivertstøl, Njål.

Elicitation of salient brand emotions in Western and East Asian markets: The role of elicitation context

International Journal of Market Research (IJMR) 2019 ;Volum 61.(5) s. 518-533

Ruge, Christian O.; Le, Nhat Quang; Supphellen, Magne.

When and why employees of non‐profits promote their organizations: Determinants of positive staff‐word‐of‐mouth

International Journal of Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Marketing 2020 

Jakubanecs, Aleksandrs; Supphellen, Magne; Haugen, Hege Mathea; Sivertstøl, Njål.

Developing brand emotions across cultures: effects of self-construal and context

Journal of Consumer Marketing 2019 ;Volum 36.(4) s. 472-483

Supphellen, Magne.

Hvorfor og hvordan integrere bærekraft i merkeposisjoneringen

Magma - Tidsskrift for økonomi og ledelse 2020 (6) s. 48-58

Sivertstøl, Njål; Supphellen, Magne; Jakubanecs, Alexander; Haugen, Hege Mathea.

Bør norske merkevarer i asiatiske markeder kulturtilpasses?

Magma - Tidsskrift for økonomi og ledelse 2020 (6) s. 77-85

Pedersen, Per Egil; Nysveen, Herbjørn; Oklevik, Ove.

Motiver for å delta i eventer: betydningen av deltakernes rolle.

Eventledelse : En forskningsbasert antologi. Universitetsforlaget 2019 ISBN 978-82-15-03219-1. s. 128-143

Pedersen, Per Egil; Nysveen, Herbjørn.

Understanding Mobile Apps as Platform Based Services in Multisided Markets. Adoption and Diffusion

The Oxford Handbook of Mobile Communication and Society. Oxford University Press 2020 ISBN 9780190864385.

Warren, Caleb; Batra, Rajeev; Loureiro, Sandra Maria Correia; Bagozzi, Richard P.

Brand Coolness

Journal of Marketing, Volume: 83 issue: 5, page(s): 36-56

Lee, Joon Sung; Kwak, Dae Hee; Bagozzi, Richard P.

Cultural cognition and endorser scandal: Impact of consumer information processing mode on moral judgment in the endorsement context

Journal of Business Research, 27 November 2020.

Ruvio, Ayalla; Bagozzi, Richard P.; Hult, G. Tomas M.; Spreng, Richard

Consumer arrogance and word-of-mouth

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science volume 48, pages 1116–1137 (2020)

Bagozzi, Richard P.; Romani, Simona; Grappi, Silvia; Zarantonello, Lia

Psychological Underpinnings of Brands

Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 72:- (Volume publication date January 2021)

Xie, Chunyan; Bagozzi, Richard P; Grønhaug, Kjell.

The impact of corporate social responsibility on consumer brand advocacy: The role of moral emotions, attitudes, and individual differences

 Journal of Business Research 2018

Bashir, Hussnain; Jørgensen, Sveinung; Pedersen, Lars Jacob Tynes; Skard, Siv E. Rosendahl.

Experimenting with sustainable business models in fast moving consumer goods

Journal of Cleaner Production 2020 ;Volum 270.

Skard, Siv E. Rosendahl; Adam, Sunniva; Engdahl, Lise Fredrikke.

Host or Sponsor? Consumer Responses to Event Origins and Brand-related Event Leveraging

Event Management 2020

Qiu, Xinlu; Haugland, Sven Arne.

The role of regulatory focus and trustworthiness in knowledge transfer and leakage in alliances.

Industrial Marketing Management 2019 ;Volum 83. s. 162-173

Ness, Håvard; Haugland, Sven Arne; Aarstad, Jarle.

Interfirm resource integration in destination contexts

Current Issues in Tourism 2019

Aarstad, Jarle; Ness, Håvard; Haugland, Sven Arne.

Destination cobranding in interorganizational networks: Assessing the role of central tourism organizations

Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 2020 ;Volum 17.(Sept.)

Ongoing projects

  • Determinants of sustainability reputation: The role of sustainability officers.
  • Sustainability activities that make sense to stakeholders: Principles of stakeholder evaluations.
  • On the effects of objective sensory skills on consumer evaluations of branded coproduced outcomes.
  • Effects of generic logos and message frames in the promotion of new seafood export products.
  • Performance effects of customer orientation and experimentation in start-ups
  • Relative and interactive effects of traditional and digital media in generic communication
  • Distribution strategies in the digital age: How to combine direct digital strategies and traditional distribution via retailers