Managing disruption


26 March 2021 10:44

Managing disruption

What causes disruption? And more importantly: how can your business deal with disruption? Undoubtedly complicated and increasingly relevant questions for all businesses.

“We have identified four main causes to disruption involving digitalisation, and each requires distinct mitigations. To avoid being disrupted and rather become a disruptor, companies need to have knowledge about how to drive digital innovation for growth,” explains Elter.

At the NHH Symposium 24th March, Elter shared experiences from Telenor and elaborated on the four areas of disruption:

  1. Products & Services – tough competition coming in, new and services replaces old.
  2. Revenue – new ways to earning money.
  3. Distribution – the move from physical to digital customer journeys.
  4. Production – new ways to operate at lower cost through automation and digitalization.

To meet potential disruptions threats companies must relentlessly drive digitalization and innovation.

To further investigate these complicated issues, Elter explained that Telenor carries out research together with Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) and their research program Digital Innovation for Growth.