Brand new programming club at NHH
`Either you are a beginner or a more seasoned programmer, you are welcome to join´, says host Lars Jaffke.
For the first time students may join a club for coding at NHH.
The club will meet every other Thursday starting the 22. of August.
– The main motivation is to foster programming culture at NHH, host and assistant professor at the Department of Business and Management Science, Lars Jaffke, says.
- The platform members will use, supports 46 programming languages including python, java and C++.
- Th bi-weekly club-meetings will be held at Aud. Q between the hours of 5 and 8pm.

For all levels
– While programming is an important subject already, I think that many students associate a certain dread with it. Here, they can discover that actually, it is not that bad and even fun, Jaffke says.
Everyone is welcome regardless of prior skillset, he ensures:
– Every time there will be problems that are solvable for a beginner with no experience after a few minutes of googling and try-and-error. At the same time, I make sure that there are problems that challenge intermediate and advanced programmers. I also include one problem every time that I do not know how to solve myself, Jaffke says.
Looking for talents
In addition to having fun with coding, he has to main goals for the club:
Firstly it is to provide a platform where everybody can learn programming and problem solving.
– The second, more long-term, goal is to train talented students to participate in prestigious international programming contests. These students gain from the opportunities to network for future work opportunities, and NHH gains from becoming more visible on the coding map, Jaffke says.