CEMS report: Leading for the future of our planet
The environment is the single greatest concern facing business leaders, according to a new CEMS report.
`I believe in having a combined set of skills and competencies – a double competence in business and sustainability´, says Professor Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen at NHH Norwegian School of Economics.
Tynes Pedersen is Head of the Centre for Sustainable Business at NHH.
More than 4 000 respondents
The new report Leading for the Future of Our Planet builds on findings from a CEMS survey of 4 206 professionals across 75 countries.
Results from the survey show that the environment is the single greatest concern facing modern-day business leaders, overtaking technological advancement.
The NHH Professor underlines the need for leadership skills needed to drive environmental change:
`While you can hire people with sustainability skills to do specific sustainability jobs, we need people who understand how they can impact the sustainability agenda to effect real change´, says Professor Pedersen.
Infinite resource to plunder
Nicole de Fontaines, Executive Director of CEMS, hopes that this report will add some insights from across their CEMS community into how business leaders, educators and professionals can make a difference when it comes to tackling the environmental emergency.
`For too long we have treated planet Earth as an infinite resource to plunder. In very recent years, however, humanity seems to finally understand that we are headed for environmental catastrophe if urgent action is not take´, says de Fontaines, and adds:
`The business world must play a critical role in leading the charge´.
CEMS is a Global Alliance of leading business schools, multinational companies and non-profits that together offer the CEMS Master in International Management (CEMS MIM). The CEMS MIM is a one-year, pre-experience programme that offers students the opportunity to be educated in a truly multicultural and boundless classroom. Students with a sound academic track record, who wish to embark on a career in management that spans the globe will find this to be the ideal postgraduate programme.