Van Reenen gives the 2022 Sandmo Lecture
LSE-professor John Van Reenen gives The Sandmo Lecture On Public Policy on Friday 29 April. Title of his lecture: "Inequality and Superstar Firms"
John Van Reenen is Ronald Coase Chair in Economics and School Professor at LSE and a Digital Fellow in MIT Initiative for the Digital Economy.
The focus of Van Reenen’s research is the interplay between companies and the labour market. How important is competence and innovation and what is the leader’s impact on productivity and economic growth? Professor Van Reenen is a popular speaker for companies and the public sector in both England and the USA.
The lecture starts at 10:00 in Aud N. After the lecture there will be a standing lunch and migling. At 12:15 the panel discussion starts.

The Sandmo Lecture on Public Policy is an annual event in honour of Professor Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019). Sandmo was among Norway's leading economists and an important contributor to the development of NHH.