Nobel Laureate Peter Diamond visits NHH

Professor Peter A. Diamond will hold this year´s Agnar Sandmo Lecture on Public Policy. Diamond´s lecture at NHH: «Good Pension Design».

18 September 2017 11:39

(updated: 21 September 2017 11:39)

Nobel Laureate Peter Diamond visits NHH

«I normally shy away from use of the word inequality, but it's become such a hot topic that it becomes harder and harder to do that» (Nobel Laureate Peter Diamond).

Text: Sigrid Folkestad

On Friday 29 September Nobel Laureate Peter Diamond visits Norwegian School of Economics. Diamond is a Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Nobel 2010

He was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2010, along with Dale T. Mortensen and Christopher A. Pissarides, for his analysis of markets with search frictions.

At NHH Diamond will hold this year´s Agnar Sandmo Lecture on Public Policy. Diamond´s lecture at NHH: «Good Pension Design».

Professor Diamond is one of the world's top experts on retirement protection, known for his analysis the differences between different pensions systems.

At Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings in August, the journalist Phil Thornton wrote that «the reality is that most people do not save enough for their retirement».

Save more

«This creates what Professor Diamond calls ‘a paternalistic need’ to use policy measures to encourage people to save more during their working lives. Finding that solution has proved hard because governments naturally seek to find a unified solution that will meet the needs of a highly diversified population, with different needs for different groups of people, most notably the different needs of male and female workers. The downward trend in workers’ earnings and increasingly ageing populations only add to that need».

Agnar Sandmo is Professor Emeritus of economics at NHH. In order to mark Sandmo’ s long contribution to the field, as well as his international standing, NHH has established two annual institutions.

The first quote is from Diamond´s article «Addressing the Forces Driving Inequality in the United States» (2016).

 Research news