Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) at NHH

Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) at NHH

NHH staff may apply for Erasmus+ funds to host small international projects which combine physical courses with online teaching to create blended intensive programmes (BIP).

BIPs are organisational funds that allow higher education institutions to develop blended mobilities for students and staff, including PhD students, with Erasmus+ partners. 

A BIP combines online teaching with a short period of physical mobility, and is specifically intended to give students who may otherwise have limited mobility opportunities some international experience.

NHH received funding for two BIPs in the 2022-2024 Erasmus+ project: 

Project Period

Total amount of BIPs

Remaining BIPs

Number of participants eligible for funding





  • Requirements


    In order to satisfy the requirements of a BIP, the programme or course must: 

    • be developed, organised and taught by academics at three or more member countries in the EU and/or associated third countries (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Serbia or Turkey);
    • host a minimum of 15 Erasmus+ participants. This may include both students and staff, but cannot include students/staff from the host university. Participants must take part in both the physical and virtual components in order to be included in the participant list;
    • consist of a physical component between 5 and 30 days, and a virtual part that can be completed before, during or after the physical component. There are no minimum duration requirements for the virtual segment;
    • correspond to at least 3 and up to 6 ECTS. The programme or course does not have to be recognised as part of the student's degree.

    Please note that exchange students through the Erasmus+ programme cannot participate in a BIP as this would be double funding and thus against Erasmus+ rules and regulations. 

  • Financing


    The organisational unit ("coordinator") at NHH will receive funding for up to 20 participants. This corresponds to €70 per day/participant for a maximum of €400 per participant (in total between €6000-€8000). The funds will be transferred to the organisational unit by NHH's Erasmus+ Coordinator after the programme or course has successfully been completed.

    If you are participating in another institution's BIP as a "partner", you must request funding from NHH's Erasmus+ funds to finance students/staff ("learners") from NHH. Each learner may receive €70 per day for the first 14 days, and €50 per day for any day beyond that up until day 30. 

  • How to Apply

    How to Apply

    If you're interested in applying for one of NHH's BIPs, you may send an application (in Microsoft Word or PDF) to the Erasmus+ Coordinator at 

    The application must include: 

    • Your name and surname;
    • Name of your department or section;
    • Your email address;
    • Responsible administrative contact in your department/section;
    • Name of institution you wish to plan a BIP with;
    • Activity you wish to organise as a BIP; 
    • Approx. number of students or staff planning on participating;
    • Number of ECTS the programme or course corresponds to;
    • Estimated date of physical component; 
    • Estimated date of virtual component. 

    The Erasmus+ Coordinator at NHH will get in touch with you after you have sent your application. You can apply even if you are not 100% sure whether you wish to make a BIP.