Workshop Information

Workshop Information

Welcome to Bergen, and the PhD Workshop in the Economics of Education 2024!


You will be staying at Scandic Byparken (Christies gate 5-7), in the city centre. Accommodation is covered by us on the nights of the 17th and the 18th of April. Therefore, check-in is possible from 15:00 on the 17th of April, and you will need to check out before 12:00 on the 19th. Breakfast is included in your reservation.

The hotel will have your name on the list. If you need it, the reservation number is 97310520 / BNHH170525.

Note: If you want to stay in Bergen for longer, you will need to book accommodation from the night of the 19th onwards yourself.


Both NHH and your hotel are very well connected via public transport. Your hotel is closest to the Bergen Byparken tram stop (45 minutes from the airport) and the Festplassen bus stop (20 minutes to the university). There are discounts on public transport tickets available if you have a valid student ID.

Information on travelling to Bergen and NHH


You can see the different locations where the workshop will take place on the program. Lab 2 is on the ground floor, while Auditoriums K and L are on the second floor. The FAIR seminar takes place at the Department of Economics, also on the second floor.

A member of the organization team will wait for you at the entrance on both days and show you the way to the Auditoriums. You can find the links to all rooms in the interactive map of NHH below. 

At NHH, most of the rooms require a chip to access them. We will make sure that you can access all rooms for the workshop, but please contact the organization team as soon as possible if you find yourself stuck outside the room/department you want to enter.


The workshop starts at 9:00 in both days. On Thursday, Laia Navarro-Sola will give a 45-minute keynote lecture. In addition, you are welcome to attend the FAIR Seminar with Joan Llull at 12:15. On Friday, Mikko Silliman will give a lunch seminar on “Navigating the academic job market” at 12:15.

The program includes time for questions during and after each presentation to ensure that you get as much feedback as possible on your work. You are also encouraged to take advantage of the breaks. All coffee breaks will take place in the same room as the rest of the workshop for that day and will include coffee and light snacks.

The workshop dinner on Thursday (venue TBA) is included as part of the conference, and we would love to see as many of you there as possible! We will organize a social activity after the workshop is finished on Friday evening, but this will not be funded.


About the workshop

Need help?

Contact the organization team:

It is very important for us that you feel comfortable during the workshop. If you experience or witness any type of misconduct, please report it to the organization team or any member of the university administration so that we can act immediately.

In case of emergency, call:

  • 110 – fire department
  • 112 – police
  • 113 – ambulance 

Staying in Bergen for the weekend?

You can check out Bergen’s official tourist information site for some ideas on where to go and what to do. Here are some tips from us.

  • Kafé Solros, Løvetann, Nobel Bopel or Albatrossen are a great option for breakfast or a snack (and are on the list for best kanelboller in town). 
  • Keen on swimming in the fjords? You can try out Nordnes sjøbad.
  • One of the top activities for the locals is hiking. There are seven (so-called) mountains that are within public transport reach of the city.
  • The hotel is very close to the Kode museums, a series of four museums with collections from different art periods.  In addition, the streets next to the hotel (Håkonsgaten and Nygårdsgaten) host some well-known bars and restaurants in the city.

Keep in touch!

Make sure you make the most of your stay in Bergen and get to meet all the other great researchers at the Department, including our large group of PhDs! If there is anyone in particular who you would like to meet and you would like us to introduce you to them, don’t hesitate to reach out.

If you want to keep in touch with the other workshop participants, you can do so via this Facebook group (operative only from the 10th of April, a new link will be sent out closer to the workshop). If you’d rather not share your personal information, that is completely fine! You will receive all important notifications via email regardless.