Fairness and the moral mind

It is well established in behavioral economics and other social sciences that people are motivated by more than narrow self-interest, but our understanding of the nature and complexity of the moral mind is still fragmented and incomplete. There is significant individual heterogeneity in terms of both how much weight people assign to moral considerations and what is considered morally relevant in any given situation. The aim of the present workshop is to present new experimental work by young scholars on how to understand the moral mind. The workshop is organized by Professor Bertil Tungodden and funded by his ERC Advanced Grant “Fairness and the moral mind”.

Please send an email to Bertil Tungodden with your paper by October 28 if you would like to present it in the workshop. Presentations are restricted to PhD students or researchers that completed their PhD less than five years ago, but everyone is welcome to join the workshop.


Date and time (GMT + 1): November 4, 15.00-19.00


Contact research coordinator Gabriela Saez (FAIR, NHH) if you have any further questions about the event) (Gabriela.Saez@nhh.no).

Join Zoom

Meeting ID: 672 7314 3555

Password: 744433


Chair: Bertil Tungodden

15:00 - 16.45 PM

Paper Session I

The will of the people Sandro Ambuehl (University of Zurich) 
Experimental evidence on the acceptance of males falling behind Ranveig Falch (Max Planck Institute, Bonn)
Prosociality predicts health behaviors during the Covid-19 pandemic Pol Campos-Mercade (University of Copenhagen)
16:45 - 17:15 Break 

17:15 - 19:00

Paper session II 

Motivated motive selection in the lying-dictator game Kai Barron (WZB, Berlin) 
Hate Trumps Love: The Impact of Political Polarization on Social Preferences

Eugen Dimant (University of Pennsylvania)

Gossip increases honesty Annika Nieper (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)