Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness

If a serious incident takes place, you must first alert the emergency services and then the NHH's duty telephone.

General preparedness

  • Fire: 110
  • Police: 112
  • Ambulance: 113
  • NHH's Duty telephone (24/7): 55 95 98 88 

Anyone who discovers a fire or accident must notify the organisation's employees. The fire brigade, police and ambulance service should be called if necessary. In accordance with training, fire and rescue procedures are started and continued until the police/fire brigade arrive. First aid must be administered in the event of injuries. All employees shall follow the fire safety instructions.

Accidents resulting in serious injuries must be immediately reported to a doctor/paramedic, the police and to the local Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority office. Accidents and fires with electrical causes must be reported to the local electricity inspection board. In the event of injuries, an accident reposrt form must be sent to NAV.

Preparedness management

  • Emergency Preparedness Manager, Head of Property Management Eivind Drange, Mob. 920 55 249

Contact: beredskap@nhh.no

sikresiden.no gives advice on how to prepare for and react to different crisis situations