Regulations for Executive Study Programmes at NHH Norwegian School of Economics

Regulations for Executive Study Programmes at NHH Norwegian School of Economics

Adopted by the Board of the Norwegian School of Economics on 13 June 2018 under the legal authority of the Act of 1 April 2005 No 15 relating to Universities and University Colleges Sections 3-3, 3-5, 3-6, 3-7, 3-9, 3-10, 3-11, 4-2, 4-5 and 8-2.

This English translation is for information purposes only. For all legal purposes, the original document in Norwegian is the authoritative version. This document relates to the Norwegian grading system and structure of education.

Chapter 1  – General provisions

Section 1-1     Scope

The provisions of these regulations apply to credit-bearing further and continuing education programmes at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) and assessment in connection with these programmes.

Credit-bearing further and continuing education programmes at NHH include;

a)      The Executive MBA degree programme (experience-based master’s degree programme) 60 credits, corresponding to one year of full-time study

b)      The Executive master’s degree programme (experience-based master’s degree programme) 90 credits, corresponding to one and a half years of full-time study

c)      The Executive MBA degree programme (experience-based master’s degree programme based on international cooperation) 90 credits, corresponding to one year of full-time study

d)      Other further and continuing programmes at master’s level that do not confer a degree.

The study programmes covered by these regulations are organised as part-time programmes and are funded through fees or contract research.

Section 1-2     Supplementary provisions

The Director of NHH Executive (NHHE) may adopt supplementary provisions within the framework of these regulations.

Section 1-3     The academic year

The academic year at NHH is divided into two semesters and has a nominal duration of ten months. The standardised workload for one academic year in a full-time programme is 60 credits in accordance with the European ECTS system.

The workload for further and continuing education programmes corresponds to up to 50 per cent of full-time study progress, and should be possible to combine with employment.

Section 1-4     Right of appeal

Pursuant to the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges Sections 5-2 and 5-3, students have a right to appeal against formal errors in connection with exams and grading. Pursuant to the Public Administration Act Section 28, students may also have a right to appeal against individual decisions made by NHH, cf. the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges Section 7-6 second paragraph.

Section 1-5     Appeals board

NHH has established an appeals board pursuant to the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges Section 5-1. The Board has adopted regulations for the Appeals Board that specify its duties.

Chapter 2  Admission         

Section 2-1    Admission to further and continuing programmes at NHH

Admission to experience-based master’s degree programmes takes place in accordance with the Regulations concerning Requirements for the Master’s Degrees (Regulations No 1392 of 1 December 2005), and is administered locally.

Further specification of the admission criteria, including requirements relating to the scope of work experience, is regulated by the programme description for the individual study programmes.

Applicants who do not meet the admission criteria in full, can be given a conditional offer of admission, which will allow them to take part in the teaching/take exams, but without being awarded the degree. The degree can be awarded later if or when the admission criteria have been met and this has been documented.

Section 2-2     Right to study

To secure the right to study, the student must be admitted to the programme in accordance with Section 2-1 of the Regulations.

Students taking fee-based programmes must also sign a study contract when they accept a place on a programme. Students must also complete the semester registration and have paid the semester fee to the student welfare organisation, Sammen.

The right to study applies from when the study contract is signed and for the nominal length of the programme in question. A contract is entered into with the enterprise in the event of contract work.

The right to study applies to the study programme or course/module to which the student has been admitted, and includes:

a)      the right to participate in teaching activities in accordance with the programme description or the course description/module description

b)      the right to supervision in accordance with the programme description or course description/module description

c.)      the right to be assessed in accordance with the programme description or the course description/module description

d)      the right to access the learning platform and other digital services provided by NHH, and access to the library and other infrastructure on the campus.

In order to retain this right throughout the course of study, the student must repeat the semester registration every semester and pay the semester fee within the stipulated deadline.

As a rule, the right to study applies for the nominal length of study set out in the relevant programme description. The right to study can be extended if weighty reasons are provided in the application.

Section 2-3     Automatic loss of right to study

The right to study ceases when the student:

a) has been awarded the degree

b) gives notice that they wish to terminate the programme by the deadlines stipulated in the study contract they have entered into.

Section 2-4     Loss of right to study

Students may lose their right to study if they:

a)      fail to pay the tuition fee

b)      fail to complete the semester registration and pay the semester fee within the stipulated deadline, cf. Section 2-2

c)      have used all their examination attempts, cf. Section 4-8 of the Regulations for Full-time Study Programmes at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)

d)      in connection with verification, fail to present the original documents forming the basis for admission or the issuing of diplomas

e)           are expelled due to cheating, attempted cheating or involvement in cheating or attempted cheating.

Decisions on loss of the right to study under letters a) to d) are made by NHHE. Decisions on loss of the right to study under letter e) are made by the Appeals Board on the recommendation of the Office of Student and Academic Affairs.

Chapter 3 – Programme descriptions, individual education plans, recognition and leaves of absence

Section 3-1     Programme descriptions and course descriptions

Pursuant to the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges Section 3-3, it is the Board that adopts new programme descriptions. The Board may delegate this authority. The Rector of NHH may adopt changes to existing programme descriptions.

All study programmes shall be described in a programme description. A programme description is a comprehensive description of a programme of higher education; goals for and the content of the programme, admission requirements, expected learning outcomes, learning methods and forms of assessment and other compulsory requirements.

Section 3-2     Individual education plans

Pursuant to the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges Section 4-2, NHH and students admitted to programmes with a scope of 60 credits or more shall draw up an individual education plan. The plan shall be devised so that the student can complete the planned study programme within the nominal length of study in accordance with the applicable programme description.

Section 3-3     Recognition

Recognition is not normally granted for exams in individual modules/courses.

It is a condition for being awarded a degree that the student has passed courses that form the basis for the degree, corresponding to a minimum of 60 credits, at NHH, cf. the Regulations relating to Recognition of Higher Education (FOR-2006-04-10-412).

Section 3-4     Leaves of absence

Students who have children during their studies are granted parental leave in connection with the pregnancy and for care of the child pursuant to the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges Section 4-5.

Leaves of absence are not normally granted in connection with the Executive MBA degree programme, the Executive master’s degree in management and individual modules.

The provisions on leaves of absence for the AFA programme are regulated in separate guidelines for the AFA programme.

Chapter 4  – Assessment (exams) and course approval

Section 4-1     References and clarification

Chapter 4 of the Regulations for Full-time Study Programmes at the Norwegian School of Economics, with the exception of Section 4-5, applies with the following adaptations/clarifications;

NHH Executive is used in these regulations where the Office of Student and Academic Affairs is explicitly referred to in the Regulations for Full-time Study Programmes. Course/module (emne/modul) is used in these regulations where course (kurs) is explicitly referred to in the Regulations for Full-time Study Programmes.

Students affiliated to NHH Executive are automatically registered for assessment in the semester they are registered as participants on the programme. If participants wish to re-schedule assessment for a subsequent semester, they must register for assessment themselves. Participants must check that the assessment feedback from NHH Executive is correct, and they are obliged to give feedback on any errors. Section 4-6 third paragraph of the Regulations for Full-time Study Programmes otherwise applies.

Illness on the day of the assessment that is documented by a medical certificate entitles the participant to re-schedule assessment until the next time the course/module is held without having to pay another assessment fee. A new assessment must be taken within two years of the nominal time of the assessment.

Chapter 5  – Cheating

Section 5-1     References and clarification

Chapter 5 of the Regulations for Full-time Study Programmes at the Norwegian School of Economics applies with the following clarifications;

NHH Executive is used in these regulations where the Office of Student and Academic Affairs is explicitly referred to in the Regulations for Full-time Study Programmes. Course/module (emne/modul) is used in these regulations where course (kurs) is explicitly referred to in the Regulations for Full-time Study Programmes.

Chapter 6  – Diplomas and transcripts of grades

Section 6-1     Diplomas

Diplomas for degrees are issued when the student meets the requirements set out in the applicable programme description. Each diploma can only be issued once. If a diploma is lost, NHH can issue a copy of the diploma on application.

Section 6-2     Transcripts of grades

A student who has taken credits at NHH may ask for a transcript of grades containing an overview of all courses the student has passed at NHH.

Transcripts of grades are normally issued digitally. A paper copy of the transcript may be issued to students who can document that they need it.

Courses passed after the requirements for a degree are met will only be documented by a transcript of grades.

Chapter 7  – Concluding provisions

Section 7-1     Entry into force

These regulations enter into force on 1 August 2018.

The following regulations are repealed from the same date:

a)     The regulations relating to the Executive master’s degree programme adopted on 12 February 2015 (not published)

b)      The regulations relating to the Executive MBA degree programme adopted on 16 March 2004, last amended 16 February 2010 (not published)

c)      The regulations relating to the NHH Executive examination adopted on 9 February 2017 (not published)

d)      The regulations relating to international cooperation on the Executive MBA adopted on 26 May 2017 (not published).