Inequality and Superstar Firms
MiT Professor John Van Reenen is this year’s guest lecturer at NHH’s Sandmo Lecture on Public Policy.
John van Reenen is Ronald Coase Chair in Economics and School Professor at LSE and a Digital Fellow in MIT’s Initiative for the Digital Economy.
The focus of Van Reenen’s research is the interplay between companies and the labour market, spanning from the role played by competence and innovation, to the leader’s impact on productivity and economic growth. Professor Van Reenen is a popular speaker for companies and the public sector in both England and the USA.
The Agnar Sandmo Lecture on Public Policy will be held at NHH 29 April 2022.
When NHH Professor Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019) retired at the age of 70 on 9 January 2008, NHH established two annual institution in order to mark Sandmo’s long contribution to the field of Economics, as well as his international standing. The Sandmo Lecture on Public Policy is held by leading international economists.