NHH Mentoring Programme

NHH Mentoring Programme

NHH offers students and alumni a systematic mentor programme with significant learning outcomes for both parties.

A master's student is paired with a mentor with a background from NHH. During the program, NHH offers physical and digital gatherings for all participants together. In addition, mentor pairs arrange their own meetings, either physically or digitally. The program starts in the fall and ends in the spring the following year, and is offered in English.

For a master's student, it is very useful to have regular conversations with a mentor in the workforce who also has a background from NHH.

Mentors, on the other hand, are often motivated by the opportunity to get to know a new generation with different perspectives than their own. This way, the mentor program can provide experienced leaders with new knowledge. Many mentors also have a desire to give back to NHH.

Who can participate in the Mentor ProgramME?

The mentor programme is aimed at master's students at NHH. Mentors should have at least one year of work experience after completing their education. Mentors with an NHH Executive background are encouraged to participate. Pairs are matched according to the student's area of interest and the mentor's experience.

AFF provides a mentor master class for new mentors and equivalent preparation for students participating in the program. Experienced mentors are not required to participate in Mentor Master Class.


Mentor meetings are arranged directly between each mentor pair. The pairs also choose the meeting format (digital or physical meeting). We recommend monthly meetings.

Mentors (or their employers) initially cover their own travel expenses for physical gatherings at NHH. If you are unable to have your expenses covered by your employer, you can apply to NHH for reimbursement of travel expenses. Contact Morten Hilt in advance if this is applicable.


Student Master Class / AFF

24.09.24        17.00-20.00



Mentor Master Class / AFF

25.09.24        19.00–21.00

Digital - Zoom



3.10.24         14.00–20.00



Midterm seminar 1

12.11.24       9.00–21.00

Digital - Zoom


Midterm seminar 2

5.02.25        19.00–21.00



Midterm seminar 2

5.02.25        19.00–21.00

Digital - Zoom


Final seminar




Digital and physical seminars 

Some of the seminars are planned and will be operated digitally. For these seminars you may participate from different locations provided that you have a good network. This goes for both students and mentors. 

We generally recommend that all participants join the physical seminars on campus when possible. Physical meeting provides an optimal frame for the mentoring. Pairs that have met in person initially do generally have a better starting point for further digital meetings. On the other hand a lot of alumns with valuable experience are located all over the world, and we will very much like to facilitate their participation. We’ve had mentors based in America, Canada and Europe previously so we encourage mentor that must rely on digital participation only to apply. 

Students: must participate on the two physical seminars on campus in the fall term. Student may participate digitally in the spring term if they for instance have exchange programmes. It is a prerequisite to be registered as a student at NHH both semesters. 

Application students

Mentors: may participate digitally only in all seminars – but we recommend the initial physical seminar if possible.

Application mentors

Deadline: 18 September

Kick-off and final seminar: Both seminars will have a social event following the academic part. The academin seminar will last from 14.00 to 17.00, and the seminar will be followed by a joint dinner. 
