Rector photos

Rector photos

Here you can download high resolution images of NHH's rectors. Please credit the photographer as listed by the images.

Rector Øystein Thøgersen

Photo: Hans Jørgen Brun

Click on the image to open the high resolution version.

Photo: Hans Jørgen Brun
 Photo: Hans Jørgen Brun
Photo: Hans Jørgen Brun
Photo: Eivind Senneset
Stig Tenold_200px.jpg

Vice rector for Academic Affairs, Stig Tenold

Photo: Hallvard Lyssand

Malin Arve_200px.jpg

Vice rector for research, Malin Arve

Photo: Hallvard Lyssand

Frode Sættem_200px.jpg

Vice rector for faculty affairs, Frode Sættem

Photo: Odd Mehus