ENGAGE.EU Think Tank 2024

ENGAGE.EU Think Tank 2024

On behalf of ENGAGE.EU R&I, we are pleased to invite ENGAGE.EU partners to the annual Think Tank 2024 at NHH Norwegian School of Economics from Monday 11 March to Friday 15 March 2024.


  • Monday 11 March

    Monday 11 March



    Sightseeing (optional): Guided tour of the Hanseatic Wharf City Walk 

     Join this journey through the history of Bryggen, the UNESCO-listed Wharf. 

    For over 400 years, the Wharf was one of the offices of the Hanseatic League. We stroll through the wooden tenements and delve into bygone days and the history of the Wharf and the stories of those who lived and worked there.


    Participants meet at the Thon Orion Hotel for transport to dinner venue. 

    Please note that it will not be possible to join the dinner late.


    Welcome dinner 

    Venue: Ulriken 365

    Return to hotel approximately at 21.30


  • Tuesday 12 March

    Tuesday 12 March


    Venue: NHH Norwegian School of Economics

    Address: Helleveien 30


    Registration and coffee


    Opening session 

    Moderator: Aksel Mjøs, Head of the Department of Finance, NHH 

    •  Welcome by rector Øystein Thøgersen, NHH 
    • Introductions to the departments at NHH hosting the Think Tank  

    • Introduction of participants 

    • Programme introduction/practical information

     Venue: Auditorium M


    Keynote session 1: Considering nature risk

     Keynote speaker: Associate professor Aksel Mjøs, Head of the Department of Finance at NHH and Chair of the Norwegian government’s Nature risk commission (2022-2023).


    • Assistant professor Jose A. de Sousa, NHH 

    • Assistant professor Hussnain Bashir, NHH

     Discussion, Q&A 

      Venue: Auditorium M

    12.00-13.00  Lunch at NHH 



    Coffee Break


    Workshop session track 1: Sustainable business 

    Venue: Auditorium G

    Workshop session track 2: Sustainable finance 

    Venue: Auditorium K 

    Workshop session track 3: Sustainability reporting 

    Venue: LAB1 

      Participants self-organise for dinner


  • Wednesday 13 March

    Wednesday 13 March


    Venue:  NHH Norwegian School of Economics

    Address: Helleveien 30

    08.30-09.00 Morning coffee
    09.00-10.30 Individual work

    Keynote session 2: Adventures in sustainable business

    Moderator: Researcher Matthey Coffay, NHH

    Keynote speakers:  

    • Professor Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen, Department of Accounting, Auditing and Law, NHH
    • Associate Professor Sveinung Jørgensen, Department of Accounting, Auditing and Law, NHH

     Discussion, Q&A 

    Venue: Auditorium C


    Lunch at NHH 



    Coffee break


    Workshop Session track 1: Sustainable business 

    Venue: Auditorium G 

    Workshop Session track 2: Sustainable finance 

    Venue: Auditorium F 

    Workshop Session track 3: Sustainability reporting 

    Venue: Auditorium I 


    Participants self-organise for dinner

  • Thursday 14 March

    Thursday 14 March


    Address: Helleveien 30

    08.30-09.00 Morning coffee

    External funding opportunities 

    Senior advisor Ana Finnigan, Section for research administration

    Venue: Auditorium N


    Research for sustainable value creation – the view from outside 

    Session with invited speakers from business and industry 

     Moderator: Aksel Mjøs, Head of the Department of Finance, NHH

    • Karl Ove Aarbu, Tryg insurance, 
    • Børrea Schau-Larsen, Vilda, 
    • Kristina Furnes, Grieg Seafood, (TBC) 

     Discussion, Q&A  

     Venue: Auditorium N


    Lunch at NHH 



    Coffee break


    Workshop session track 1: Sustainable business 

    Venue: Auditorium J

    Workshop session track 2: Sustainable finance 

    Venue: Auditorium K 

    Workshop session track 3: Sustainability reporting 

    Venue: LAB2 

    18.00 Meet at hotel for walk to climate festival event and dinner

    VVV Climate Festival 

    Can we count (on) carbon removal?


    Festival-style dinner at Kulturhuset 


    VVV Climate Festival:  
    Wild climate solutions: Solar energy from space

    Venue: Kulturhuset, city centre 

  • Friday 15 March

    Friday 15 March


    Address: Helleveien 30

    09.30-10.00 Morning coffee

    Keynote session 3: Navigating ESG Challenges

    Open to Bergen Climate Festival participants and colleagues at NHH

    Moderator: Professor Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen, NHH 


    Navigating ESG Challenges: Insights into Corporate Responses and Greenwashing Risks  

    Speaker: Ioannis Ioannou, associate professor of strategy and entrepreneurship, London Business School  


    Prof. Ioannou will address how companies are under increasing pressure to show their commitment to ESG (environmental, social, and governance) performance, but their approaches are varied and complex. Ioannou will present new research on the factors driving real change versus mere token gestures, uncovering the dangers of greenwashing, and how it impacts customer satisfaction.  

    The keynote will be followed by a conversation with professor Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen from NHH, open to questions from the audience.

    A full description of the session as well as links to the three papers Ioannou will discuss will be shared with Think Tank participants.

     Venue: Auditorium N


    Lunch at NHH 

    Venue: Area outside staff cafeteria





Address: NHH, Helleveien 30, 5045 Bergen


  1. Taxi from the airport
  2. Bus shuttle FLYBUSSEN from the airport: line FB51 to Åsane Terminal
    Price one way: NOK 149 - Bus stop: HANDELSHØYSKOLEN
  3. More information about travelling to Bergen and NHH



  1. Taxi from the airport
  2. Bus shuttle FLYBUSSEN from the airport: line FB50 to Bergen City Centre - Price: NOK 149 one way.
  3. Light rail BYBANEN from the airport: line 1 - Price one way: NOK 40 - Light rail stop: BYPARKEN.