The Macro, Risk and Sustainability Centre is always interested in working with Master students on their theses. You are welcome to discuss your ideas with us. Our main expertise is in the following areas:
We consider long run problems of economic growth, fiscal and monetary policies, social security, and inequality. In this line of research, we build macroeconomic models closely connected to the micro-data of households and firms.
We examine various short-run issues, such as theoretical studies of monetary policy in a new Keynesian framework, econometric studies of financial market behaviour and business cycles, and modelling and testing private agents' expectations.
We investigate very long run developments in quantitative economic history, particularly international business cycles and financial markets.
We undertake empirical research at the intersections of labour economics and macroeconomics with a focus on wage mobility, inequality, family policies and gender differences.
We advance computational and empirical methods in quantitative economics.
More concrete ideas for thesis topics are listed here.
previous Master Theses
Farem, Jesper; Buvarp, Elenius Hansen-Tangen;
When the Rules Change the Game: A Case Study Analysis of Market Reactions to the Implementation of EU’s Market Abuse Regulation on the Oslo Stock ExchangeRøgeberg, Chris André Reierth; Ulsten, Martin Midtbø;
Transformative Effects of Tokenization and Wholesale Central Bank Digital Currency on BondsKaldheim, Bjørnar; Senderud, Marius;
Exploring the Possibilites of Investing in Artificial IntelligenceAhlqvist, Sigurd Helle; Berge, Elias Rønning;
Why Did Norway Encounter Pronounced Levels of Inflation After the Pandemic? A Study of Inflation Dynamics.Evensen, Mona Rinde; Ingstad, Ida;
Is there Gold in Green? A Modified Perspective of Income Developments in Active Agriculture.Olsen, Julia Stefanny; Sundberg, Josefine;
Exploring bubble tendencies in the lithium-ion battery market.Augestad, Solveig; Balchen Andreas Hovda;
Grunnrentebeskatning og investeringer i havbruksnæringen: En analyse av grunnrenteskattens virkning på investeringerGranheim, Vilde Årtun; Stornæs, Catharina Gisholt;
Financial Instability and Financial Crises: An Empirical Study of the Implications of Financial Instability for the Development of Financial Crises.Hauge, Erling Spikkeland; Seter, Mathias;
Overheating, Bubbles and Stagflation in the Norwegian Economy. An empirical study of crisis anatomy.Martinsen, Alexander;
Asset Markets During Covid -19. How has the COVID - 19 crisis affected the Norwegian asset market, and what stability related challenges does the market face in the aftermath of the pandemic's repercussions?Granroth, Fredrik; Grostad, Vegard;
What Characterizes Cycles with Crashes versus Corrections in the House Market? An Empirical Test on Price Behaviour Based on Economic Key IndicatorsPippo, Lorenzo;
Energy Efficiency and its Impact on the Residential Market.Strand, Hanna Haugen;
Catch Me if You Can – the Phillips Curve : A Structural Vector Autoregressive Analysis of the Flattening Phillips Curve Hypothesis for Norway over the Past Fifty YearsHansen, Johanne Thoen; Søfteland, Ida Sofie Gunnerød;
The Effect of Local Labour Demand on Disability Insurance UptakeChristiansen, Ingrid; Lereng, Marte Børresen;
The Effect of Credit Constraints on External Financial Support: Implications for Young Home Buyers in NorwayBakken, Kristin; Grønnestad, Line Sofie Sletvold;
Implications of Tax Policy Changes on the Norwegian Electric Vehicle MarketDolmseth, Nora Marie; Konjihoszic, Asja;
Boligboble i Oslo? Eksisterer det en boligboble i Oslo, eller kan boligprisveksten forklares av fundamentale faktorer?Buttedahl, Peder Thorsnes; Harnes, Frederik Koss;
Leilighetsnormens effekt på boligprisene: En empirisk studie av hvordan leilighetsnormen fra 2007 har påvirket boligprisene i Oslo indre byOwsik, Aleksandra; Eiduks, Karlis;
The Mediating Effect of Innovation on the Relationship Between Gender Diversity and Financial Performance Empirical evidence from listed Nordic companies in 2000-2022Khadka, Sajda; Solem, Linn Hildre;
Analysing the gender wage gap Empirical evidence from Germany and the United StatesJakobsen, Åsmund; Aroca, Iker Rodriguez;
A High-Frequency Analysis of Euro Area Monetary Policy Unveiling the Dynamics During the Covid-19 Pandemic and Beyond (2020-2023)Nagelhus, Iver; Wethal, John-Emil Gimnes;
Mind The Gap: Decomposing the Credit Spread PuzzleHage, Marie Prøsch; Thøgersen, Ingrid Ljoså;
Renewable energy’s effect on bottlenecks in the electricity market - Analyzing the impact of the green transition and increased interconnectors abroad on price differences towards NO2Lund, Jørgen; Schjerpen, August Ladim;
Superprofitt i fergebransjen i Norge - En casestudie av fergemarkedet i NorgeHølland, Fredrik; Marvik, Kristian;
The Impact of Energy Prices on Food Prices : A Case Study Using Norwegian Monthly Data from 2015 to 2023Møller, Marthe; Talseth, Martin Hanssen;
Revenue Management : En analyse av Rosenborg Ballklubb Hvordan kan dynamisk prising påvirke kapasitetsutnyttelsen?Jovicevic, Aleksandar; Larsen, Martin Lågbu;
The Effects of a Local Subsidy on the Heat Pump MarketBergli, Hilde; Zakariassen, Andreas Sandrup Branæs;
Is the Grass Greener on the Other side? Impacts of Cross-Border Alcohol Shopping on Tax RevenueMarkgren, Marcus; Ribe, Ole Christoffer;
Factors influencing the willingness to pay for insurance in Norway : An empirical study of the willingness to pay for small insurance contracts -
Fossan, Andreas Habtamu; Friestad, Lars;
Can LAW be justified to prevent financial instability? A cost-benefit analysis of leaning against the wind (LAW) in Norway : Evidence from a Bayesian VAR modelPettersen, Fride Remøy;
Denne krisen er annerledes – eller er den? En analyse av Norges Banks pengepolitikk på vei ut av koronakrisen, sammenlignet med tidligere kriserDahle, Ingrid Rage; Ellefsen, Martine Listou;
Competition in the Norwegian Mortgage Market: Use of Diversion Ratios to Investigate the Competitive Proximity between DNB and Sparebanken VestGrytnes, Kasper Christian; Sommerseth, Lasse Kvalnes;
The Effect of Uncertainty on Investment: Empirical evidence from listed Norwegian firms 2005-2018Uthaug, Martin; Kårstad, Petter;
Material ESG and Stock Performance: A Textual Analysis Approach to Investigate the Relationship Between Material ESG Performance and Stock PerformanceHaile, Siem Yeman; Strømmen, Lars Berg;
Searching for Inflation: An Empirical Study of Real-Time Micro Behaviour Data on InflationNowcasts -
Etterlid, Synnva Eide; Iden, Anna Emilie;
Monetary policy in crisis : an assessment of the Norwegian monetary policy response to the Covid-19 pandemicMysen, Stina Johanne; Thornton, Elisabeth Marie;
Forecasting the Price of Aluminium Using Machine Learning Empirical comparison of machine learning and statistical methodsSilver, Philip Anthony Løseth; Stavenes, Aleksander Leikvoll;
Economic Uncertainty and Norwegian Producer Prices: An empirical study of the relationship between uncertainty and producer prices in Norway with evidence from Norwegian PPI data in the period of 2005-2016 -
Bertelsen, Torjer Stuland; Johansen, Jonas;
The Use of Textual Data Analysis and Machine Learning in Bankruptcy Prediction: Evaluating the predictive power of sentiment scores and ratios from news articles for bankruptcy prediction in the Norwegian market using machine learningSkuterud, Håvard; Webster, Ingeborg Munthe-Kaas;
Synchronization of Price Changes within Firms and Industries: A micro-level analysis using PPI dataMolumby, Thomas; Skjæveland, Arne;
The Effects of Fiscal Policy in a Small, Open Economy A Structural VAR Analysis of Fiscal Shocks in Norway Employing Sign Restrictions -
Bankson, Christian Alex; Holm, Andreas Madsen;
Kunstig intelligens i makroøkonomisk prognosearbeid : en empirisk studie av hvor godt maskinlæring evner å predikere norsk økonomisk vekstWinners of Best master's thesis award in monetary economics 2019, from the Central Bank of Norway
Lim, Wei Ze; Håvarstein, Erik;
Intergovernmental transfers in brazil : corruption and deforestationRingstad, Ingrid Emilie Flessum; Tandberg, Julie Lie;
The effect of commodity prices on deforestation in Brazil : an empirical analysis investigating the effect of futures and spot prices for soy and maize on deforestation in Brazilian municipalitiesRamm, Aleksander; Alver, Atle;
Are current Norwegian speed limits optimal? : a quasi-experimental analysis of changes in speed limits on Norwegian freewaysBeliakova, Liza;
Oljeprisens betydning for sysselsetting i Norge : en empirisk studie av oljeprissjokk på tvers av norske kommunerFranzoni, Federico; Semere, Solomon Amanuel;
Deforestation in Brazil : an empirical evaluation on the effectiveness of the Soy MoratoriumFlatten, Dominik Josef;
Economic decision making in salmon aquaculture : an analysis of the investment behavior for production licenses under the Norwegian traffic light systemPotter, Ryan Jeffrey;
Machine learning for resource economics : a review of modern computational statistics with empirical applications in fisheries managementSamdal, Kristoffer; Ringdal, Herman;
Money and the air : the impact of income, preferences, and regulation on particulate matter pollutionMjøs, Erik Eikeseth; Pedersen, Maria Eithun;
The effects of financial constraints on business fundamentals and asset returns : evidence from a small open economyJordheim, Anders Sundve; Kjørnes, Torbjørn;
Estimering av en finanspolitisk regel for Norge i perioden 1980-2018 : hvordan har finanspolitiske sjokk fra regelen påvirket norsk økonomi?Amdal, Nikolai; Thøring, Eivind;
Forecasting Norwegian GDP : an empirical analysis of categorized macroeconomic dataAnda, Simen Andreas; Carron, Matthieu Kjerland;
Taylor rule estimation with the presence of a ZLB-period : how the inclusion of shadow rate affect the precision of Taylor rule estimation on the federal funds rateSelle, Simon Flatebø;
Resource rent in the Norwegian aquaculture industry : a bottom-up approachFlatten, Dominik Josef;
Economic decision making in salmon aquaculture : an analysis of the investment behavior for production licenses under the Norwegian traffic light system -
Jansen, Halvard Sandvik;
A Brazilian soy story : how international soy demand affects deforestation and agricultural land useSvahn, Joakim; Brunner, Dominik;
Did the Soy Moratorium reduce deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon? : a counterfactual analysis of the impact of the Soy Moratorium on deforestation in the Amazon BiomeCurran, Jonathan; Sunde, Helene;
Has Norway’s oil riches hampered education? : oil activity and its relative effects on the educational attainment of affiliated municipalitiesHusby, Torbjørn Flisnes
Har boliglånsforskriftens særegne krav hatt effekt på boligpriser i Oslo? : en regresjonsanalyse som sammenligner boligpriser i Oslo med boligpriser i AkershusHarsheim, Ingrid Gaarder; Nakkim, Vilde Larsen;
Agricultural productivity and the fight against deforestation : an empirical analysis of the effect of factor-biased technical change on agricultural land use and forests in Brazil(Winner of Best Master's Thesis Award in Economics 2019 at NHH.)
Aubell, Christian André Pettersen; Hamarsland, Ida Haugen;
The economic effects of the production area regulation : an empirical study of the norwegian aquaculture industryHelland, Aleksander;
The value of adapting to climate change for Norwegian salmonid aquaculture : a scenario-based analysisHernes, Sigrid Marthea; Bruvik, Sofie Handal;
Integration of electricity markets : an analysis of TSO-owned and non-TSO-owned cross-border interconnectorsEstenstad, Frank By; Skagestad, Ingvild;
Natural disasters and frequency : effects on political trust : in Central America, Mexico and ColombiaKondrup, Fredrik Ruud; Stierna, Maria Flinder;
Natural disaster mitigation in developing countries : the role of trade opennessKillingland, Mona; Dahl, Lisa Blakstad;
Central bank digital currencies – fad or the future? : a framework for country level assessment of central bank digital currenciesSemjonovs, Andrejs;
Nowcasting Norwegian GDP : the hard, the soft and the uncertainty dataTorset, Walther;
An empirical analysis of the Norwegian housing market : what drives the house price?Monsrud, Marius; Mjelde, Mikhail Eek;
Do interest rates really respond to financial stability concerns? : an analysis of monetary policy in Norway 1999-2018 -
Westby, Benjamin S.; Folgerø, Ingrid Kristine;
Environmental speed limits : do temporary speed limits improve air quality?Bogetvedt, Ingvild Engen; Hauge, Mari Johnsrud;
Institutions and deforestation in the Brazilian amazon: a geographic regression discontinuity analysisChristie, Mikkel Storm; Krøvel, Elias Blindheim;
Forutsigbarhet i pengepolitikken : en empirisk analyse av overraskelser tilknyttet Norges Banks pengepolitikkHøjklint, René; Hansen, Charlotte Hofvander;
The adverse effects of the Norwegian electric vehicle incentive scheme with emphasis on congestion and public fundingVedeler, Henrik Vandvik;
Viral diseases in salmonid aquaculture : quantifying economic losses associated with three viral diseases affecting norwegian salmonid aquacultureSime, Abiy Getachew; Sivertsen, Erik;
An empirical analysis of toll road exemption as a determinant for electric vehicle adoption : Norway as a case study 2010-2015Yiqi, Yu;
The effect of oil prices on housing prices in the Norwegian marketHauge, Hannah Skaar; Lied, Therese Borge;
Explaining election outcomes using web search data : evidence from the U.S. presidential elections 2008 - 2016Hvesser, Henrik; Høvik, Henrik Lange;
En empirisk analyse av leiepriser for kontoreiendom i Oslo 1998-2016 : med fokus på prognostisering av fremtidige leiepriserJohnsen, Lars Konrad; Nordvang, Thomas;
The more the merrier? : a factor-augmented VAR analysis of the Norwegian monetary policy transmission mechanismDuesund, Sindre Lauvås; Eliassen, Iver Ruud;
Valutakursmodellering av kronekursen : en empirisk analyse av valutahandelsstatistikkens nytteverdiNishchal, Shrey;
Asset returns, wage rigidity and the business cycle : a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium approachAalbu, Erlend F.; Navdahl, Sebastian;
An analysis of the long-term and dynamic effects of the US money market fund reform on NIBORNilsen, Maren; Neverlien, Mia;
Behandlingsatferd knyttet til lakselus i norsk lakseoppdrett : en kvantitativ studie av et utvalg aktører i NordlandAmy, Christopher;
Efficiency evaluation of hypothetical whole home energy efficiency programs : in British Columbia, CanadaTrodal, Sondre Rygh; Risnes, Håkon Jondal;
Laksepriseksponering: en studie av børsnoterte oppdrettsselskaperHole, Andreas; Karlsen, Johannes,
A race to the bottom? : a game-theoretic approach to monetary policy interdependenceHæreid, Ingrid; Helsvig, Mari;
Pengepolitikk og boligpriser : en analyse av styringsrentens påvirkning på boligprisutvikling og bidrag til finansiell stabilitet -
Christie, Mikkel Storm; Krøvel, Elias Blindheim;
Forutsigbarhet i pengepolitikken : en empirisk analyse av overraskelser tilknyttet Norges Banks pengepolitikkAponte, Fabián Rocha;
The effects of commodity price shocks on economic sectors : a comparative study of metal exportersFondevik, Kine; Nyland, Guro Ekroll;
Effektivitet i Skandinaviske banker : En effektivitetsstudie av norske, svenske og danske banker i perioden 2011-2014 ved bruk av Data Envelopment AnalysisØrpetveit, Andreas; Hansen, Tormod;
Markedseffisiens på Oslo Børs : en studie av prisanomalier før, under og etter finanskrisenEriksen, Andreas Bjelland; Jakobsen, Mons Petter;
Cost function estimation in the Norwegian pelagic fisheries : a study of coastal vessels, purse seiners and pelagic trawlers through a cost minimisation approachGramstad, Emma Hartland; Wærness, Katrine Willumsen
A critical readjustment : Analyzing the regional employment composition in Norway during times of changePettersen, Malin Karlberg; Håland, Marianne
The Global Saving Glut in the light of demographic developments : a numerical simulation of the developments in China and the USJohnsen, Herman K. Lange; Bratlie, Johannes;
Assessing the effect of moves in the key policy rate : a narrative approach for NorwayHaug, Sverre Wiseth; Nesse, Martin Bergsholm;
Taylor rules and monetary policy in the Eurozone -
Lystad, Guro;
Oil exploration and institutions : do oil companies prefer to drill in democracies?Utseth, Lars Petter; Sandvik, Kristoffer Bergquist;
Performance, persistence and business cycle asymmetries in Norwegian mutual fund returns: do mutual funds perform when it matters the most?Olsen, Martin Okstad; Velgaard, Erlend;
Oljeprisens påvirkning på norsk økonomi : med utgangspunkt i avkastning på Oslo BørsBerge, Harald; Kvitstein, Eivind;
Multiples and future returns : an investigation of pricing multiples’ ability to predict abnormal returns on the Oslo Stock ExchangePotter, Ryan Jeffrey;
Machine learning for resource economics : a review of modern computational statistics with empirical applications in fisheries managementAlnæs, Axel Adrian Brattgjerd;AMS-måleres effekt på strømforbruket i private husstander : en analyse av målerdata fra Demo Steinkjer og fra Odderhei og Søm
Goodwin, Arturo; Storaker, Katrine Hildre;
Hydrogen in the maritime sector : a feasibility study on hydrogen as fuel in Norwegian ferriesStøhlmacher, Synne Sogge; Meyer, Sara Skjeggestad;
On the verge of re-entry: readjustment of labour and the optimal policy towards a postpetroleum Norwegian economyDevold, Kristine A.; Wiksnes, Runar;
The perfect wave: an estimate of a Norwegian petroleum supercycle -
Mowatt, Therese Espeland; Syverud, Sigrun;
Determinants of the Chinese footprint in sub Saharan Africa : the effects of energy resourcesHopland, Alexander;
The credit rating puzzle : a study on the relationship between equity returns and corporate credit ratings in the US stock marketHustad, Rune;
Handelsstrategier basert på historiske avkastningstall : En empirisk analyse av handelsstrategier på OBX