Ingeborg Astrid Kleppe

Professor Emerita Ingeborg Astrid Kleppe

+47 55 95 95 28
Strategy and Management
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Marketing and Brand Management Development Economics The Collaborative Economy in Social Media Public Policy Marketplace Interventions


Professor Ingeborg Astrid Kleppe holds an MBA and a PhD in marketing from NHH and a MS in sociology from the University of Bergen, where she was research assistant at the pioneering Institute for Women Studies in Norway. 

Kleppe has extensive international experience from universities in Canada, USA, Sweden, and Australia. She has also worked in the World Bank managing poverty surveys in sub-Saharan Africa. She has aserved as elected member of the Bergen City Council. In the late 1970s, she was a prominent member of the activist group initiating Women’s refugee centres in Norway. 

At NHH Kleppe has held several managing positions, and lead the board for The Norwegian National Institute for Consumer Research (SIFO) for many years.  Kleppe has taken her interdisciplinary and international experience into her research. Currently she is doing pioneering research on marketplace stigma and the new collaborative economy.

Kleppe has also published on gender, family decision making, and international marketing and teaches on topics in social media marketing and qualitative research methods.

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Selected publications

Author(s) Title Publisher
Kleppe, Ingeborg Astrid; Caldwell, Marylouise; Stensaker, Inger G. Embodied, embedded and educated: How everyday heroes strive to save lives during a pandemic Marketing Theory Volume 23 (1); page 59 - 79; 2023
Mæhle, Natalia; Presi, Caterina; Kleppe, Ingeborg Astrid Visual Communication in Social Media Marketing The SAGE Handbook of Social Media Marketing; page 291 - 306; 2022
Drozdova, Natalia; Kurtmollaiev, Seidali; Kleppe, Ingeborg Astrid Crowdfunding the development of new products and services Handbook of the Sharing Economy; page 163 - 175; 2019
Molander, Susanna; Östberg, Jacob; Kleppe, Ingeborg Astrid Swedish Dads as a National Treasure: Consumer Culture at the Nexus of the State, Commerce, and Consumers Nordic Consumer Culture: State, market and consumers; page 119 - 146; 2019
More publications in Cristin

Recent articles

Authors Title Publication

Susanna Molander, Ingeborg Astrid Kleppe, and Jacob Östberg

Hero shots: Involved fathers conquering new discursive territory in consumer culture

Consumption, Markets & Culture – special issue: “Genders after Gender: Fragmentation, Intersectionality, and Stereotyping.” (Forthcoming 2018)

Maya Kavaliova, Farzad Virjee, Natalia Maehle, and Ingeborg Astrid Kleppe

Crowdsourcing innovation and product development: Gamification as a motivational driver

Cogent Business & Management, 3: 1128132 (2016)

Caterina Presi, Natalia Maehle, Ingeborg Astrid Kleppe

Brand selfies: consumer experiences and marketplace conversations

European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 50 Issue: 9/10, pp.1814-1834 (2016)

Kleppe, I.A., L. Mossberg, and K. Grønhaug 

Country Images in News Media

Beta, 1 (28), 20-40 (2014)

Kleppe, I.A. and M. Caldwell 

Self Transformation and AIDS Poster Children

Routledge Companion to Identity and Consumption, Routledge, US (2013)

Caldwell, Marylouise and Ingeborg Astrid Kleppe 

Early Adopters of an HIV/Aids Public Health Innovation in a Developing Country

Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 37, 326-31 (2010)

Kleppe, Ingeborg Astrid and Kjell Grønhaug 

Issue Streams and Open Solutions. A New Approach to Family-Home Decisions

Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal, Vol. 38, No. 2, December, 168-85 (2009)

Caldwell, Marylouise, Ingeborg Astrid Kleppe and P. Henry 

Prosuming Multiple Gender Role Identities: A Multi-country Written and Audio-visual Exploration of Contemporary Mainstream Female Achievers

Consumption, Markets and Culture, Vol. 10, 96-116 (2007) Link to audio-visual ethnographic video Access information: Password


Ongoing work - 2017

Natalia Drozdova & Ingeborg Kleppe (2017), “Paradoxes in reward based crowdfunding,” competitive paper presented at the Association for Consumer Research Latin America conference, Cali, Columbia 5-9 July 

Natalia Drozdova & Ingeborg Kleppe (2017), “Social-Commercial paradoxes in reward-based crowdfunding,” competitive paper presented at Consumer Culture Theory Conference at Anaheim, California, 9-12 July
Natalia Drozdova, Denis Utochkin, Ingeborg Kleppe (2017), "Web 2.0: Online Communities or Bla-Bla Land?.", competitive paper accepted for the North American Association for Consumer Research Conference, San Diego, 3-8 November

Ongoing work  

Netnography and big data analytics: Can the Twain meet?, Denis Utochkin and Ingeborg Astrid Kleppe
How do consumers react to the stigmatization of a co-created cultural ritual? Tha cese of the Norwegian “Russ”-celebration, Ingeborg Astrid Kleppe, Natalia Mæhle, and Cornelia Otnes